Short Inspirational Poems By Queen Bilqis

Summer 2019 Collection


Small Thoughts of The Day By: Nani Herlina



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Short Inspirational Poems By Queen Bilqis | Summer 2019

by | Apr 26, 2019 | Uncategorized

Nani Herlina

Community Contributor (Indonesia)

Short Inspirational Poems By Queen Bilqis Nani Herlina is a lovely, caring and respected community writer and poet from Indonesia. Nani loves to share her knowledge and poems with others.




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Short Inspirational Poems By Queen Bilqis

Summer 2019 Collection


Short Inspirational Poems By Queen Bilqis Short Inspirational Poems By Queen Bilqis

  1. Nothing lasts forever
  2. Divided Love
  3. Word is my friend
  4. My Pray
  6. Destiny
  10. Love no longer
  11. The most beautiful destiny
  12. Life is not smooth sailing
  13. Illusion
  15. Always
  16. The room
  17. One Small Drop


Short Inspirational Poems By Queen Bilqis Short Inspirational Poems By Queen Bilqis

Nothing lasts forever

Forcing things that are not appropriate
for us it is indeed a challenge
Later after you get it, you start not caring about his departure.

Nothing lasts forever. Likewise love Comes and goes like a dream That always sows beauty Also cuts wounds.
Where you will anchor the noise, when the roar of abuse urges you to have a partner. I, the place to confide in your best, or him, cause you to confide in me. ~

God gives thick wounds only to strong hearts.
to a desperate heart.

Love you
I have to be night.
Those who are quietly able to keep you warm are closed.
Even though I understand I will gleam the sky.
The deep willing to make tired your heart wound sank.
Even though I understand it will finally sink.

N, Herlina / queen Bilqis

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Short Inspirational Poems By Queen Bilqis Short Inspirational Poems By Queen Bilqis


Divided Love

divided love ????

under the black umbrella I refuge shop
I broke the heavy rain
I followed the winding road in the middle of the rain
there was a loud and brilliant sound of lightning
I don’t care about all this
I decided to go far …
because I can’t stay with you
I can’t love you completely
i can’t take care of you fully
I can’t keep this heart for you
I can’t make you happy
I can’t be loyal.
i hate myself
I am disappointed with this heart
I am disappointed with my life
until now I can’t forget him?????
forgive me for hurting you
I’m sorry I can’t
with you again????
i’m sorry I can’t make you happy
forgive me for sharing love besides you????
I can’t forget you and him
I can’t choose you or him
i can’t live without love you also love him
now I am bound by your love and love for him???
I know this is wrong
I know this isn’t possible
there’s no way I can have you and him
therefore I leave
in the midst of the heavy rain I left
let me go to calm down.

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Short Inspirational Poems By Queen Bilqis Short Inspirational Poems By Queen Bilqis

Word is my friend

here I write word for word only you white paper which is my true friend at the moment,
this heart is very painful. I saw you there, no longer with me here.
it feels like dry tears, no more tears fall,
I can’t cry anymore
but this heart is very sliced
see the reality that I have to go through.
You will never return to my side
I don’t know, can I afford it without you?
Can I let go of the love that has been carved in my heart?
God strengthens my heart,
close my eyes, close my heart, for her.
so that I forget all my sadness
I have to wake up from a nightmare.
I have to welcome tomorrow
I have to continue my own life without you by my side,
I have to learn to live without you
I have to learn to accept reality.
You are no longer with me.

N herlina

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Short Inspirational Poems By Queen Bilqis Short Inspirational Poems By Queen Bilqis


My pray

Forgive sins that sometimes I don’t know if it’s a sin …
Guide and guide me to this straight road of YOU,
Guide this weak self to stay straight in LEARN
And also those who were always with me in raising your name
Thank you for all the gifts YOU gave me until I was 384 months old
DO NOT give me wealth that makes me proud
Don’t YOU give the glory that makes me negligent
DO NOT give me the strength that makes me proud
don’t you give me the pleasure that makes me forget
DO NOT give me pleasure that makes me kufr
DO NOT give me the throne that made me deceived
DO NOT give me a reward that makes me unhappy.
If you want to …
give me all with love and love MU
Until I get to know myself and be grateful for everything YOU GIVE …
Give me friends who are always faithful in reaching you
The tough and steadfast in all difficulties
who do not stay away when given pleasure, do not complain if given trials
Give my brothers gifts that make them always thank you,
Let us NOT split
Let us not give revenge to your heart, jealousy and despicable qualities,
but leave it in our hearts the nature of loving and loving each other …
Today and forever
Allow this servant’s prayer …

N. Herlina / Bilqis Queen

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Short Inspirational Poems By Queen Bilqis Short Inspirational Poems By Queen Bilqis



in the night, sometimes I feel that everything I live in vain,
no bright spot illuminates,
dark and dark every step I take
where else am looking for a beam of light, which will illuminate,
the way life’s passion fades in the heart,
no power to be strong again.
where else am I looking for if hope is gone,
will you give strength back to this heart, before drooping to death,
will you give light to the dead heart, before the spirit drifts away,
will you show me where I should go, before my body is buried.
this is the time to stop that the rain falls in the dry season
it is impossible for trees to grow without water
You can’t come back without love anymore.
there’s no way I can see you without eyes
I can’t talk without a tongue
there’s no way I’m standing without my feet
that’s me now.

N Herlina / queen bilqis

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Short Inspirational Poems By Queen Bilqis Short Inspirational Poems By Queen Bilqis



Even if you don’t know what he might have planned …
The intellect is not able to predict the events of that day …

Bitter sweet …
We never know what end will be received …
About happy …
About sad …
About grief …
About sorrow…
.out mind …
Everything just goes away …

.the joy of life will not be biased in terms of the trip …
As for boredom, it might have gnawed between these joints …
In speaking of the will that He wrote …

.N, Herlina / queen Bilqis .

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Short Inspirational Poems By Queen Bilqis Short Inspirational Poems By Queen Bilqis



Rain eyed
Life is full of grief
His heart is patient in facing trials

Suspect doubt
Broken thousand miserable
missing your happy smile

Cries are gone
The soul looks exhausted
Wading through the fierce ocean of life

Always legible
Never tired
said on the prayer mat

Make (you)
My place is mirrored
Iklas face trials, aamiin

N, Herlina / queen Bilqis

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Short Inspirational Poems By Queen Bilqis Short Inspirational Poems By Queen Bilqis



in my silence
there is something I think about
about yourself that is difficult
for me understand
your feelings, your thoughts and
your attitude..
in my favor
there is one case
stir up the problem … fence
my feelings can be yours
understand … my attitude is a little
different .. arousing
anger and defeat and I …
is looking for an approach
so that my heart and your heart
no longer be wrong
inside the mess …
room of thought …
too much defense
what I say … between honesty
and sincerity that I have linked
in feeling … and I’m limp inside
the feeling that isn’t accomplished ..
Could it be … lots of shrimp, lots of it
the salt … lots of people …
lots of variety … another field
another grasshopper?
do the same … sea salt with
salt in the hills ..

… N Herlina / queen Bilqis

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Short Inspirational Poems By Queen Bilqis Short Inspirational Poems By Queen Bilqis



Silence lost
Early morning, take notes

Kissing embers in the hand
Spread on a stopover
Without shade

Hold pain
Fragile soul
Walk down the steps

Long road wavering road
Far from the terawang
similar recall

Make a smile
Let go of all dreams
Rise up with a speck of confidence

Centered in the trough of the soul
Beautiful paintings of Ferris wheel
After the tempest
N, Herlina/Bilqis queen

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Short Inspirational Poems By Queen Bilqis Short Inspirational Poems By Queen Bilqis


Love no longer

When love no longer knows its meaning
And miss shading is not clear purpose
Return to Him … ask every inch the direction of anchoring
Lord the owner is the best shelter.

I want to miss this forever
To you … the lord of love of all layers.

I’ll tell you later,
about waiting that doesn’t know the end of time,
because love is not about when,
but when God has set.

In my opinion the one is hesitant
I caught a miss
There was a prayer scattered on my face
I was struck by my sins.

N Herlina / queen bilqis

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Short Inspirational Poems By Queen Bilqis Short Inspirational Poems By Queen Bilqis


The most beautiful destiny

Without word
Keep it similarly stabbed
Heart desires to carry daydream

Your presence
Similar wind
Blowing out the memories
Checking the steps to uncover quietly

Real heart
Love all without warning

Enjoy the rest
a beautiful destiny

Anchored on his day
Loving and being loved by Him
N.herlina / queen bilqis

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Short Inspirational Poems By Queen Bilqis Short Inspirational Poems By Queen Bilqis


Life is not smooth sailing

hi. all the dear ones …
life does not always go smoothly,
we need gravel to be careful
need brambles so we are alert.
needing to be crossing so that we are wise in choosing.
need road guidance so we have hope about the future direction.
life needs a problem so we know, we have strength.
sacrifice need so we know how to work hard.
need tears so we know how to humble ourselves.
need to be blamed so that we know how to appreciate.
need to laugh and smile so we know how to say thanksgiving.
we need other people to know that we are not alone.

N Herlina /Bilqis queen

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Short Inspirational Poems By Queen Bilqis Short Inspirational Poems By Queen Bilqis



Staring at the face of a thousand grief
When the twilight shadows
Greeted me suspiciously

Hit the soul
In a virtual daydream
Invite me to play with him

A million characters made me upset
When there is no power
Restless anxiety
My heart

My ilus
Dark Ones
In night care
Which is starless again

somewhere I am
Get lost in a storm
Ocean of romance
His love
N, Herlina/Bilqis queen

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Short Inspirational Poems By Queen Bilqis Short Inspirational Poems By Queen Bilqis



There are no “good people” who have no past,
And there are no “bad people” who have no future.
Everyone has the same opportunity to change for the better.
however the past is, what the environment was as dark as ever, and how bad it was in the past.
Give someone a chance to change.
Because, “someone who almost killed the Apostle too” is now lying next to his tomb. : Umar bin Khattab.
don’t see someone from his past … “Someone who once fought against the religion of Allah” finally became the sword of God : Khalid bin Walid
do not look at someone from his status and property, because the pharaoh’s golden shoes are in hell, while the spilled Bilal bin spider is heard in heaven.
The point is,
do not underestimate someone because of their past and environment, because lotus flowers still bloom beautiful even though they live in dirty water.
So to be great is needed is the strong determination to God Almighty the creator of greatness.
no need to worry about the past, no need to be ashamed of where you came from, if you want.
You can be like a lotus that lives in dirty water but still blooms admirably.
Changing and rising are far more beautiful than silence and only dream without doing anything.
if we all have what we want, where do we learn from Sincerity …?
If everything we dream of is realized soon, where do we learn to be patient …?
If every prayer we continue to receive, how can we learn endeavor …?
a person close to GOD SWT, does not mean there are no tears …
A person who diligently prays, does not mean there are no difficult times …
let the Operator of Life be fully sovereign over us, because only He is the Almighty GOD who knows the right time and conditions to give the Best both guidance, Grace, Grace and His Grace
Allah SWT

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Short Inspirational Poems By Queen Bilqis Short Inspirational Poems By Queen Bilqis


I will always
Remember you in my sanitary records
But remember!
We don’t need to always be together

We are still laughing
But remember!
Not every time I laugh

Friendship like the universe
God knows when it ends
You and I are together forever
Like a glass screen soap opera cliche

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Short Inspirational Poems By Queen Bilqis Short Inspirational Poems By Queen Bilqis

The room

Indeed we have been together
At that time we were the king
The world is its lackeys
For our fake dreams

We are getting older, growing older
Variety of paradigms
We have separated
Without us knowing it
We take different angles
For halal meaning

Doesn’t mean I hate you
god has destined our meeting
I’m not sick of you
You’re my reason for being

But …… Space, friend
There is a gap between my spirit and your spirit
A chasm named

N. Herlina / queen bilqis

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Short Inspirational Poems By Queen Bilqis Short Inspirational Poems By Queen Bilqis

One Small Drop

A drop of drizzle fell to the end of the leaf
slipping slowly,
then slid down
right in the middle of a pair of ants who are fighting,
splashes of water mixed with soil on their faces,
Pyarr …

Female ants stop screaming,
Male ants don’t slap.
They are more afraid of being swept away in the rain,
rather than dissolve in the problem of love
which never ends.

“I don’t want to die silly!”
Male Ant Words.
He pulled the hand of his lover,
hide behind a leaf

Two drops of rain erupted on the handle,
the shy princess closes all the leaves.
The two ants are stuck there,
squeezed on two different leaves,
face to face.

“Hey, this is your fault again!”
shouted the Female Ants competing with the sound of rain and lightning.
“When do you want to start learning to stop blaming, huh?”
reply to the male ant while wiping his face
with the only free hand.
“Hah? I..?! Ask yourself first, when do you want to learn to apologize? ”
reply to the female ant while throwing rain on the court.

N, Herlina / queen Bilqis

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