What are state verbs with examples? | English Grammar Hacks

Aug 13, 2019English Grammar Tips, Smart Brains Spotlight

What are state verbs with examples

What are state verbs with examples? | English Grammar Hacks

What are state verbs with examples

Larisa Chakarova


What are state verbs with examples Smart Brains Spotlight



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What are state verbs? How do we use them in English grammar? Larisa shows you everything about state verbs with useful grammar tips and examples.


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What are state verbs with examples

Thanks, Larisa Chakarova and Quora.


What are state verbs with examples

English Grammar Hacks


What are state verbs with examples?

What are state verbs with examples

Larisa Chakarova

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State verbs with examples


What are state verbs with examples Answer by Larisa Chakarova (Founder of @brilliantatenglish.com, 21 years as a teacher of English, M.A English, Southwest University). All credit goes to Larisa Chakarova, Thank you!
What are state verbs with examples 7.2 / 10

How To Use “Have Been” and “Had Been” In English?

State or stative verbs are those which express feelings, emotions or states (e.g want, like, believe etc). They do not show actions that can be seen. State verbs do not have continuous tenses (only the corresponding simple ones). So, if we want to say that something is happening at the moment using a state verb, we must put it in the present simple instead of present continuous.


ExampleDo you want to go out now?


State verbs are:


What are state verbs with examples Verbs that express likes or dislikes: love, like, prefer, dislike, don’t mind, don’t like, hate, can’t stand etc.


What are state verbs with examples Verbs of the senses: see, hear, smell, taste, sound etc.


Verbs of perception: know, believe, understand, realize, remember, forget etc.


Other verbs: contain, include, seem, be, belong, fit, need, want, wish etc.



Some of the verbs can have two meanings- one as a state verb and the other as an active verb.


  • 1. Think = believe (I think your car is nice.) State verb
  • 1. Think= consider (I am thinking about buying a new car.) Active verb
  • 2. See=use my eyes (I see your house from here.) See=understand (I see what you mean.) State verb
  • 2. See=meet (I am seeing my friends tonight.) See = imagine (It is not a ghost, you are just seeing things.)Active verb
  • 3. have = own, possess (We have a beautiful villa at the seaside.) State verb
  • 3. have in a phrase with a meaning different than own(I am having lunch)Active verb
  • 4. taste = is, has the flavor of (This cake tastes delicious.) State verb
  • 4. Taste = try (She is tasting the soup to see if it is OK. Active verb
  • 5. smell = is, has a smell (Your perfume smells nice.) State verb
  • 5. Smell = sniff (She is smelling the roses.) Active verb
  • 6. fit = is the right size (The top fits you perfectly.) State verb
  • 6. fit = put, install Dad is fitting new cupboards in the kitchen) Active verb
  • 7. appear = seem (Anna appears to be ill.) State verb
  • 7. appear = perform (He is appearing at the theatre tonight) Active verb


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Reference: Larisa Chakarova.  “What are state verbs with examples? I am always confused using it because there is a big list of state verbs.” originally appeared on Quora, the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world. Top English Self Study Tips You Don’t Want to Miss What are state verbs with examples

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What are state verbs with examples