Why Muslims don’t eat pork!? Top 17 Theories – Ask Xanadu


Why Muslims don't eat pork By: Muse Mage (Xanadu)


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Why Muslims don’t eat pork!? Top 17 Theories – Ask Xanadu

by | May 13, 2019 | Best and Interesting Articles

Muse Mage

Community Contributor (North Africa)

Why Muslims don't eat pork Muse Mage is a smart, courageous and talented young writer, researcher and poet from North Africa. Muse loves to share his knowledge with others.

Why Muslims don't eat pork Self-Proclaimed Researcher, Studied at Medical Practitioner and Muslim Philosopher

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 Why Muslims don't eat pork



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Why Muslims don’t eat pork!? Top 17 Theories – Ask Xanadu


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Why Muslims don’t eat pork The pig eats a real waste.


Why Muslims don’t eat pork It’ll eat anything, including urine, feces, dirt, rotting animal flesh, worms, rotting plants.


Why Muslims don’t eat pork Pigs also eat the waste of other pigs, animals or cancerous tumors.


Why Muslims don’t eat pork The pig meat and fat, absorb toxins up the sponge.


Why Muslims don’t eat pork Their meat is 30 times more toxic to cattle and őzhúsnál.


Why Muslims don’t eat pork When beef and őzhúst consume the meat of 8-9 hours to digest and low in toxins. These toxins and as soon as our bodies are, will filter out the liver. But when the pork is consumed, the meat of the digestion and thus only takes a higher level of toxins in our bodies are built within a short period of 4 hours.


Why Muslims don’t eat pork Unlike other mammals, pigs do not sweat and do not perspire. Sweating is that the toxins filter, remove from the body. As the pigs do not sweat, the toxins remain in the body and the flesh.


Why Muslims don’t eat pork The pork is so toxic that you can hardly poison to kill.


Why Muslims don’t eat pork The farmers often divert the pigs’ rattlesnake nest, because the pigs will eat snakes and snake bites, if they poison, will have no effect on them.


Why Muslims don’t eat pork When the pig has killed the worms and insects appear in the flesh terribly fast, much faster than any other animal flesh. In a few days, the pig meat will be full of worms.


Why Muslims don’t eat pork The pig’s body found dozens of parasite are like flukes (parasitic intestinal worms), tapeworm, worms. There is not a safe temperature, which you fry the pork, we could destroy the worm eggs, cysts. They remain safe from the flesh. The disznóhúsban twice the amount of fat than beef.


Why Muslims don’t eat pork 3 ounces (0.1 kilograms) T-bone steak (pork loin) contains 8.5 grams of fat. 3 ounces of pork chop contains 18 grams of fat. 3 ounces of beef ribs contains 11.1 grams of fat. 3 ounces of lean pork loin 23, 2 grams of fat.


Why Muslims don’t eat pork The complex digestive system of a cow has four stomachs. So for more than 24 hours to digest a vegetarian diet until the food is completely cleansed of toxins. In contrast, a pig stomach, only 4 hours to digest the diet is dirty and quickly with all the material is poison into his flesh.


Why Muslims don’t eat pork The pig transport includes 30 types of diseases that a man easily caught.


Why Muslims don’t eat pork The pig gastrointestinal nematodes microscopic in size and single lenyelésükkel nested themselves in the intestines, muscles, the spinal cord or the brain. This causes the disease trichinosis. Symptoms include headache, fever, body aches, swollen eyes or painful breathing. The symptoms are sometimes incomplete, but when they occur, are the same symptoms of other diseases. Such as typhus, typhoid fever, rheumatism, gastritis, meningitis, acute gallbladder disease or alcoholism.


Why Muslims don’t eat pork The pig is very toxic and dirty, YHWH made him a pipe network or channel that runs through the end of each leg and an outlet opening ends of the legs. Dirt and pus dripping out of the body through these cracks, but not quickly enough. Therefore, much of the pus into the flesh.


Why Muslims don’t eat pork These reasonable grounds, biological facts that show us that the pig unfit for consumption. But a true believer does not question ever, so why not be eaten, but also knows that YHWH prohibited and therefore will not.


Why Muslims don’t eat pork And in the Quran:-


He has forbidden to you only carrion, and blood, and the flesh of swine, and that over which any name other than God’s has been invoked; [139] but if one is driven by necessity – neither coveting it nor exceeding his immediate need -no sin shall be upon him: for, behold, God is much-forgiving, a dispenser of grace. – 2:173




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