7 Must Read Poetry Collections By Kamal | June 2019 Poetry Collection


7 Must Read Poetry Collections By Kamal June 2019 By: Kamal Kishore Sharma



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7 Must Read Poetry Collections By Kamal June 2019 Poetry Collection

by | Jun 9, 2019 | Uncategorized

Kamal Kishore Sharma

Community Contributor (India)

7 Must Read Poetry Collections By Kamal June 2019 Kamal Kishore Sharma is a highly qualified, experienced and respected English Lecturer from India. Mr Sharma loves to share his knowledge with others..

7 Must Read Poetry Collections By Kamal June 2019 Bsc, M.A, LLB, ARMS English Language and Literature and Topics of General Awareness


7 Must Read Poetry Collections By Kamal June 2019 7 Must Read Poetry Collections By Kamal June 2019 7 Must Read Poetry Collections By Kamal June 2019

 7 Must Read Poetry Collections By Kamal June 2019


7 Must Read Poetry Collections By Kamal June 2019 Authorship – 19

7 Must Read Poetry Collections By Kamal June 2019 Community Contributor


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7 Must Read Poetry Collections By Kamal June 2019


7 Must Read Poetry Collections By Kamal | June 2019 Poetry Collection


7 Must Read Poetry Collections By Kamal June 2019 7 Must Read Poetry Collections By Kamal

  1. Deleting Requests Silly
  2. My Paramour Revived
  3. Ghostly Wish
  4. My Embedded Love
  5. Moonlit Separation
  6. Prismatic Arrogance
  7. Devastating Cyclone Fani


7 Must Read Poetry Collections By Kamal June 2019 7 Must Read Poetry Collections By Kamal  | Deleting Requests Silly


7 Must Read Poetry Collections By Kamal June 2019

7 Must Read Poetry Collections By Kamal, June 2019 | Deleting Requests Silly


Deleting Requests Silly


A lady sends me request

be friend see video me wet

striking thumb pumping saline fluid

spy my private window

juice, fluid, tickling me enraged

register, buy coupons first

free service for short trailer stream

view my profile time of shows

diamond, platinum coupons, hundred stars bid instant my move online goes

tons of fans chat me for lollipop show

Flummoxed me speech less dumb

full toss and wide bowled me in vain

next day her friend sent me request

see my private page you duck

yesterday friend requested you to judge cricket on the bed, pitch and stumps

bails hurled bowled clean in game

mowed down you without fight

jackal or calf you, my friends hunt

virtual or real come once dear

train you feed herbs home delivery

voltage full make you cheer glory

girl friend and wife run you out

love point blonde hair rose flower

stripping moves bosom tummy waist

rub up or down slow or fast game

Thor of hammer improves your degree

order you booster outlets of Amazon

Google, Flipkart, Snapdeal, Shoppers

make you buzz, avail direct from my port interface cash on delivery

find desperate wives or women

my site is ready to please you guy

they train, improve your stamina

tutorials virtual or real

what you like keeping privacy earnest

try first then comment me or payment

we are healers in sleeping houses

soothe guys tickling sensuous massages

Like a duck they cleaned me bowled

think about fuse bulbs senile old men

bold healers are they by profession

tactics to earn money, without hesitation no shy no blush nude they are nudist ecstasies their religion

orgy, sexual games their trends

flesh trade promoting they in tradition

happy me willy deleting requests silly.


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7 Must Read Poetry Collections By Kamal June 2019 7 Must Read Poetry Collections By Kamal | My Paramour Revived


7 Must Read Poetry Collections By Kamal June 2019

7 Must Read Poetry Collections By Kamal, June 2019 | My Paramour Revived


My Paramour Revived


Once I met a maid near cafe ‘n bar

gambit on chess board to meet

her master played checkers game

cross and zero cross and zero tranquil

Aloof she met me as a dumb

orchestra played there in drum

she trampled in cadence and sweet

will my heart came to mouth in zeal

Her fancy and glory and fragrance

remember me my psyche in brain

my sleepy imagery showers in Hippocrene she danced slowly as drizzling to rain

In my sorrow, joy and penance

my correlation revived in pain

her bosom springed to my chest in

fancy her drowsy face paused in airy


My drizzling vocal pitch paused

my stretched hands moved up and down I dared not say you beauty my

paramour revived in foreign land

— Kamal Kishore Sharma

Date: Saturday May 25, 2019

*****    *****  *****  *****  *****

Word Notes:

Trampled: past tense  – tread, tramp, stamp

Cadence: a modulation or inflection of the voice

Hippocrene: n. used to refer to poetic or literary inspiration, in Greek mythology- Hippocrene was a spring on Mt. Helicon. It was sacred to the Muses and formed by the hooves of Pegasus and the water was supposed to bring forth poetic inspiration when imbibed

Psyche: n. the human soul, mind or spirit

Penance: n. punishment inflicted on one self as an outward expression of repentance for wrong doing (atonement)

Sacrament : n. a religious ceremony or ritual regarded as imparting divine grace

Absolution: n. formal release from guilt of obligation or punishment

Fancy: adj. elaborate in structure or decoration,  v. feel a desire or liking for (want, desire)

Drowsy: adj. sleepy and lethargic, half as sleep (heavy  – eyed) groggy,  somnolent

Imbibe: v. drink, consume, sup, sip , quaff, swallow, slurp

Paramour: a lover,  beloved an illicit partner of a married person

Spring: v. move or jump suddenly ( leap) originate or arise from


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7 Must Read Poetry Collections By Kamal June 2019 7 Must Read Poetry Collections By Kamal | Ghostly Wish


7 Must Read Poetry Collections By Kamal June 2019

7 Must Read Poetry Collections By Kamal, June 2019 | Ghostly Wish


Ghostly Wish


Like the tennis ball

your bosom jumps on my chest

racket like the flowery hands

shoot despair in my heart

from your court to my court

over fascinating and sordid net

Your pearly teeth

and scattered hairy tuft

your glowing eyes and romantic net

your waiving skirt

in so meagre awkward positions

you laugh in love point

and sweet breeze tied me in admonition

I triumph my service I play

your fairy cheeks and tennis ball

in tearing shots court to court

your shoulders and thighs

jump and lean shot to shot

love so hot in nook and nick

your shadow moves to me

and your lovely balls

jump in tennis court

I forget to play

your service in delay

and like the tennis ball

your bosom jumps on my chest.


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7 Must Read Poetry Collections By Kamal | My Embedded Love


7 Must Read Poetry Collections By Kamal June 2019

7 Must Read Poetry Collections By Kamal, June 2019 | My Embedded Love


My Embedded Love


I like a robin come to you

you murmur in sweet frenzy

we are in a same plane

twinkling memory you feel

your unquoth version

tied in plane silent dejection

your oozing honey will

fragrance and glory and zeal

serve me in hostess’s tray

your rousing passion and stealthy kiss

your romantic magazine and ghostly miss your transparent shirt and gloomy bosom your rosary hands in cryptic communication

Life is an epitaph on customary

reasons glorious beautiful honey will

to bloom in rosary bed you come

miss me in confusion ah! agony

sweet agony in embedded memory.

—– Kamal Kishore Sharma

Date: Tuesday May 28, 2019

—- Word Notes:

Robin : a bird with red breast (symbol of passion) divine bird,  spring bird  – symbolizes renewal and rebirth; a small old world thrush related to the charts

Frenzy: phrensy ( obsolete) wild behaviour,  uncontrolled excitement

Murmur: n. a low continuous background noise (burble ,babble, gurgle) a softly spoken or almost inaudible utterance

Dejection: n. a sad and depressed state – depression

Fragrance: n. a pleasant, sweet smell, scent, perfume

Glory: n. high renown or honour won by notable achievements (prestige, reputation)

Zeal : n. great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause

Hostess: n. a woman who receives or entertain guests

Passion: n. strong and barely controllable emotion

Stealthy: adj  behaving or done in a cautious and surreptitious manner so as not to be seen or heard

Ghostly: adj of or like a ghost in appearance or sound, eerie and unnatural

Cryptic: ambiguous,  mysterious or obscure

Epitaph: n. a phrase or form of words written in memory of a person who has died; inscriptions on a tomb stone (obituary)

Glorious : adj.having worthy of,or bringing fame or admiration ( eminent)

Agony: n. extreme physical or mental suffering ( pain,  affliction)


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7 Must Read Poetry Collections By Kamal | Moonlit Separation Moonlit Separation


7 Must Read Poetry Collections By Kamal June 2019

7 Must Read Poetry Collections By Kamal, June 2019 | Moonlit Separation


Moonlit Separation


Your lilac eyes gloom numbness pictures like the horror cacophony air crafts soon chum radiation bloom round my head

Your unquenching thirst and rosy lips

in my arms you sip my passion

your imagery like a nightingale

sing in my tender separation

Moon moon in our meeting

and departure soaked us in moonlit

several thoughts like cat and dog

jump and run in doom

Your bosom like fleeting silhouette

reflexes me in honey perplexity

you place me on head and thighs

aloof and spare me in soft corner

O moonlit moonlit O moonlit separation.

—- Kamal Kishore Sharma

Date:Wednesday May 29, 2019

—–     —–     —–     —–     ——

Word notes:

Lilac : white lilacs symbolizes purity and innocence,  Violet- spirituality,  Blue – happiness and tranquillity, Magneta – love and passion, Purple  – first love

Gloom  – dark shadows, bad spirits

Numbness  – without feeling

Cacophony – a harsh discordant mixture of sound

Bloom  – v.  be in flower,  n. a flower cultivated for its beauty

Unquenched  – not quenched,  unsatisfied,  unextinguished

Passion  – n. strong and barely controllable emotion

Nightingale  – n. a small migratory thrush with drab brownish plumage noted for melodious song

Tender  – adj.  showing gentleness,  kindness and affection

Doom  – n. death,  destruction,  or some other terrible fate

Silhouette  – a silhouette is the image of a person, animal or object or scene

Perplexity  – n. inability to deal with or understand, an entangled state,  bewilderment

Aloof  – adj. not friendly or forth coming cool and distant

Spare  – adj. additional,  v. to give or refrain from killing

Fleet  – adj. swift,  nimble,  v. to pass swiftly,  n. number of ships sailing in company


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7 Must Read Poetry Collections By Kamal | Prismatic Arrogance


7 Must Read Poetry Collections By Kamal June 2019

7 Must Read Poetry Collections By Kamal, June 2019 | Prismatic Arrogance


Prismatic Arrogance


Your bulging eyes and rosy lips

nadir dip sorrow comes in bosom an iceberg my untold rigmarole mood cramps in you

your untidy glory like a serpent in bosom hiss me feel my hands and shoulders on you your watery transparent breast blows me lava in you

your zig zag desire reveals a prismatic

arrogance angle to angle passion and love and dejection tangle

over come the obstacles

O! lady my love keep me in angle.

—- Kamal Kishore Sharma

Date: Thursday May 30, 2019

Word notes:

Nadir: the lowest point,  low water mark,  rock bottom

Rigmarole: n. lengthy process,  fuss,

a lengthy and complicated procedure

Glory: n. high renown or honour won by notable achievements (eminence)

Arrogance: n. haughtiness,  the quality of being arrogant

Dejection: n. a sad and depressed state,  low spirits, despondency


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7 Must Read Poetry Collections By Kamal | Devastating Cyclone Fani


7 Must Read Poetry Collections By Kamal June 2019

7 Must Read Poetry Collections By Kamal, June 2019 | Devastating Cyclone Fani


Devastating Cyclone Fani

Except damaging a few huts
Fani hit trees lull in range
rushed to Bangladesh from Bengal
damaged eight hundred fifty mud houses
uprooted trees plying vehicles
forty two thousand people evacuated
Digha,Manderwani and else
burst in rain with forty
kilometer wind storm
roamed and roared in Armbagh
Hoogly, Nadia and Murshidabad
headed to Bangladesh
treading a huntment in Beniatola Lane hit
five men in debris on fourth May 2019

Fani hit Odisha on May3rd
raining in torrent
in coastal lands of Andhra Pradesh
falling down ten thousand coconut trees
destroying horticulture crops
cell phone two hundred towers switched off
banana orchards in Vizianagram
flown off twenty one hundred
electric poles damaged
killed twelve men in Odisha
ten thousand people ravaged
and estranged evacuated lands
Fani soared high in northeast sky
rushed roaring turmoil
cracking in Bangla soil
resumed flights, electric, rail
rehabilitation agencies sending
water sachets, cylone-battered
people restoration to life

Fani in wrath hits Bangladesh
killing fifteen men in India
thirty six villages flooded
two thousand huts destroyed
storm killed six people on spots
falling trees and collapsing walls
lightening and thunder torrent
devastated coastal life of Banishanta
two hundred fifty families
marooned overnight washed away
straw huts some still submerged
ferries not in action
smaller waterways resumed operations
roaring and punching tremendous speed
seventy kilometers a hour
pour heavy rain and deluge emerged
submerging Sunderbans mangrove
filling water streams and rivers
downgraded Fani in Bangladesh
killed a toddler injured thirty people
in Noakhali ravaged people
moved in four thousand shelters
Fani was extreme in Puri
rushing at two hundred kilometer
in fury flown tin roofs uprooted trees
and electric poles snapped power lines
inundated holy land of Puri
with wide swathes of land submerged
God Jagnnath speechless saw all calamities
cruel Fani killed six men in Bhubsneshwar
fallen trees, blocked roads and electricity
restored timely life and cities
then evacuees tourists, people and villagers
shelter in schools and buildings
Fani in depression moved in Bangladesh
killed only twelve men in slow motion
It is wrath of God or curse
on humanity degree of devastation
and turmoil fluctuates coast to soil
innocent people lost lives
sinners, outlaws, perpetrators
insurgents, traitors mafia leaders survive.
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