Common English Mistakes Indians Make while communicating in English

Aug 30, 2019English and Study Tips, Smart Brains Spotlight

Common English Mistakes Indians Make while communicating in English

Common English Mistakes Indians Make while communicating in English

Common English Mistakes Indians Make while communicating in English

Akhil Kintali


Common English Mistakes Indians Make while communicating in English Smart Brains Spotlight



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Common English Mistakes Indians Make while communicating in English The topic for today is “Common English Mistakes Indians Make while communicating in English“. Learning should be for life. Every moment of every day we are being presented with new and important lessons. Here we will present you one handpicked new and important lesson every day from smart brains and experts around the world.


What are some common mistakes Indians make while communicating in English? Akhil has observed that there are some common mistakes Indian writers make. They are in the form of using some non-existent words and phrases. He will share some of the common mistakes Indians make while communication in English with us today.


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Common English Mistakes Indians Make while communicating in English

Common English Mistakes Indians Make while communicating in English

Common English Mistakes Indians Make while communicating in English

Thank you, Akhil Kintali and Quora.


Common English Mistakes Indians Make while communicating in English


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Common English Mistakes Indians Make

Common English Mistakes Indians Make while communicating in English

Akhil Kintali

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Common English Mistakes


Common English Mistakes Indians Make while communicating in English


Common English Mistakes Indians Make while communicating in English Answer by Akhil Kintali, (Top Writer 2018 Quora, Akhil Kintali has the ability to make things awkward in a micro-second). All credit goes to Akhil Kintali, Thank you!

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Common English Mistakes Indians Make while communicating in English 7.7 / 10

Common English Mistakes Indians Make while communicating in EnglishCommon English Mistakes Indians Make while communicating in English



I have been using Quora for quite a while now, and I’ve observed that there are some common mistakes writers make. They are in the form of using some non-existent words and phrases.


I thought I’ll highlight a few of them today.


There are a few other mistakes we Indians are guilty of making while speaking, those shall be highlighted too


Common English Mistakes Indians Make while communicating in English  Real Brother


I have only one reply whenever someone uses this phrase.


Bro: Akhil! Is he your real brother?


Akhil: No, we cloned him from the DNA of a rhesus monkey. He’s a fake brother.


There’s nothing called a ‘real brother’ or ‘real sister’. It is either a brother or a sister.



Common English Mistakes Indians Make while communicating in English  Sachin had an amazing carrier


I was reading an answer a few days ago in which someone mentioned that ‘Sachin had an amazing carrier’. Then, I noticed that many people make the same mistake frequently.


This is the amazing carrier Sachin could have had.


Thank you, Akhil Kintali and Quora.



This is the amazing career Sachin chose to have.


Thank you, Akhil Kintali and Quora.


Carrier is defined as, ‘a person or thing that carries, holds, or conveys something.’


Career, on the other hand, is, ‘an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person’s life and with opportunities for progress.



Common English Mistakes Indians Make while communicating in English  Playing with himself


There was another answer in which a mother was explaining about an injury sustained by her son when she left him alone in a room and he was playing with himself.


No, ma’am, that phrase conveys the wrong meaning.


This is your son playing alone.


Thank you, Akhil Kintali and Quora.


I can’t post the picture of a boy playing with himself on this platform.


But that is a phrase sure to be avoided.



Common English Mistakes Indians Make while communicating in English  Alphabet


The word alphabet doesn’t come with an s in the end.



→ I was teaching her the English alphabet. [Right]

→ I was teaching her the English alphabets. [Wrong]


Common English Mistakes Indians Make while communicating in English  A lot many errors.


One day, my manager walked up to me and said, “Akhil, there are a lot many changes in the code. We need to spend an extra hour on it.”

Correction → The words ‘lot’ and ‘many’ are bad friends. They cannot be together.



→ “Akhil, there are many changes in the code. We need to spend an extra hour on it.” [Right]

→ “Akhil, there are a lot of changes in the code. We need to spend an extra hour on it.” [Right]

→ “Akhil, there are a lot many changes in the code. We need to spend an extra hour on it.” [Wrong]

You can use either of the words in a sentence, but both of them together is a big no.



Common English Mistakes Indians Make while communicating in English  Office was always there.


On the day of election polls, I got a message from a co-worker. “Is office there today?”


The office was always there my friend. It hasn’t moved an inch.


Thank you, Akhil Kintali and Quora.


‘Office being there’ means the physical location of the office.


Correction: ‘Are we working today?’ or ‘Is today a working day?’



Common English Mistakes Indians Make while communicating in English  Anyways, let us move ahead.


Wait! This word has a unique story. It is used so frequently that people think it is a valid word.


Honestly, the word anyways doesn’t exist. It is anyway.



Common English Mistakes Indians Make while communicating in English  In which year did you pass out?


This is again a common error.


Pass out means fainting or becoming unconscious.


Thank you, Akhil Kintali and Quora.


The right word is ‘graduate’.


In which year did you graduate?


Thank you, Akhil Kintali and Quora.



Common English Mistakes Indians Make while communicating in English  The mistakes made during introductions.


Thank you, Akhil Kintali and Quora.


Random lady on phone: Myself Radhika calling from Axis Bank, sir. May I know your good name?


Me: My good name is Akhil. My bad name Thanos.


Radhika: What?


Me: Ma’am there’s nothing known as a ‘good name’ or a ‘bad name’. It is only ‘name’. Simple. Also, never introduce yourself with the word ‘myself’.


Radhika: Then what would be the correct sentence?


Me: I am Radhika calling from Axis Bank. May I know your name?


Radhika: Thank you sir! Are you interested in Axis Bank credit…


Akhil disconnects the call.


Radhika: Ah! Stupid Thanos!



Common English Mistakes Indians Make while communicating in English  Ram went home by walk.


The phrase, ‘by walk’, is again wrong. You can use ‘by bike’, ’by car’, ‘by flight’ or ‘by bus’. However, we cannot say ‘by walk’, as it is the foot which is being used to travel and not ‘walk’.


Correct forms:

  • Ram went home walking.
  • Ram went home on foot.
  • Ram took a walk back home.
  • Ram walked home.



Common English Mistakes Indians Make while communicating in English  Off course, it was a decent answer. Let’s end it now.



Wrong guys. Off course means, ‘not following the intended route’ or simply, going the wrong way.


Thank you, Akhil Kintali and Quora.


The right word is of course.



With this, we end today’s class.


Common English Mistakes Indians Make while communicating in English  Big protip: Never shy away from correcting others in their answers here in Quora or anywhere in general.


Common English Mistakes Indians Make while communicating in English  Bigger protip: Always correct others gently and politely. Don’t command them, just correct them.


Happy learning!


Common English Mistakes Indians Make while communicating in English Reference: Akhil Kintali, “What are some common mistakes Indians make while communicating in English?originally appeared on Quora, the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world. Common English Mistakes Indians Make while communicating in English

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