Quick ways to improve your English in a very short time

Aug 20, 2019English and Study Tips, Smart Brains Spotlight

Quick ways to improve your English in a very short time

Quick ways to improve your English in a very short time

Quick ways to improve your English in a very short time

Giorgi Mikhelidze


Quick ways to improve your English in a very short time Smart Brains Spotlight



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Quick ways to improve your English in a very short time The topic for today is “how to improve your English in a very short time“. Learning should be for life. Every moment of every day we are being presented with new and important lessons. Here we will present you one handpicked new and important lesson every day from smart brains and experts around the world.


Let Giorgi shares with you two strategies that could potentially boost your English skills in a very short time.


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Quick ways to improve your English in a very short time

Quick ways to improve your English in a very short time

Thank you, Giorgi Mikhelidze and Quora.


Quick ways to improve your English in a very short time

English Studies Hacks


Quick ways to improve your English in a very short time

Quick ways to improve your English in a very short time

Giorgi Mikhelidze

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Thank you, youtube –  Julian Northbrook.



Quick ways to improve your English in a very short time


Quick ways to improve your English in a very short time Answer by Giorgi Mikhelidze, (knows English,  Digital Marketing enthusiast and a big Blockchain fan, B.A. Political Science & Computer Science, Free University of Tbilisi). All credit goes to Giorgi Mikhelidze, Thank you!
Quick ways to improve your English in a very short time 7.2 / 10

Quick ways to improve your English in a very short timeQuick ways to improve your English in a very short time


It’s good that you already have some kind of basis for the English language. It will be quite easy to build on that repository in the future. Since you’re asking for the fastest ways, I’ll have to assume that your level of English is already enough to help you watch a movie and understand around 50% of it.


Let’s assume that’s indeed the case. I have two strategies that could potentially boost your English skills.


 One of the hinges on the prerequisite English knowledge. I suggest you take all of the content you receive on a daily basis, things like news, TV shows, cartoons, movies, YouTube videos and etc and just turn it into English-voiced content.


Just imagine. How many hours do you dedicate per day for consuming that type of content? At least one hour right? Adding an extra hour every single day is going to increase your knowledge intake to a point where most people don’t reach it. For example, you’ll get like a full work week’s hours in a month.


If you’re not ready to switch to English completely, then your best choice would be to just add subtitles to whatever you’re watching. This helps memorize the words as you’re reading them and as you’re hearing their translations during the process.


 Next, I’d suggest getting an online or offline community that you can practice English with.


If this community has similar interests as you, for example, a genre of movies or simply a love of history or some other subject, it’s going to make your time with them so enjoyable. The only thing required is that you speak English with these people at all times.


But getting an offline community, or even maintaining it is extremely hard, especially now that everything’s moving to the online world. Luckily these communities and forums are also moving to the online world. If you prefer to digitally interact with people then these are your choices.


You can go with EnglishForward if you have a more English-centric mindset, meaning that you don’t care about common interests you just want to learn English. Next is Reddit which you can categorize based on your preference, choose subreddits and be active there.


 Finally, if you simply don’t want anything to do with interactions, then you should opt for either TOEFL or IELTS online forums and courses.


All in all, pretty much none of these require a payment whatsoever, all it takes is to register and find your way around all the noise.


Reference: Giorgi Mikhelidze, “How do I improve my English speaking skills in a very short time?” originally appeared on Quora, the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world. Quick ways to improve your English in a very short time

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Quick ways to improve your English in a very short time