Fix your English grammar – “Repeat Again”

Sep 4, 2019English Grammar Tips, Smart Brains Spotlight

Fix your English grammar “repeat again”

Fix your English grammar – “Repeat Again”

Fix your English grammar “repeat again”

Dr. Alison Parker

Fix your English grammar “repeat again”

Fix your English grammar "repeat again" Smart Brains Spotlight

Fix your English grammar “repeat again”


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Fix your English grammar "repeat again" The topic for today is “Is it correct to say I repeat again?“. Learning should be for life. Every moment of every day we are being presented with new and important lessons. Here we will present you one handpicked new and important lesson every day from smart brains and experts around the world.


Fix your English grammar “repeat again” Dr. Alison explains that “Repeat again” should be unimpeachable on a second repetition or beyond.


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Fix your English grammar “repeat again”

Fix your English Grammar

Fix your English grammar "repeat again"

Thank you, Dr. Alison Parker and Quora.


Fix your English Grammar


Fix your English grammar


Can we say repeat again?

Fix your English Grammar

Dr. Alison Parker

Fix your English Grammar

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Fix your English grammar repeat again

Fix your English grammar repeat again

Can we say repeat again?


Fix your English grammar "repeat again" Answer by Dr. Alison Parker, (AB, PhD Classics, Princeton, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill). All credit goes to Dr Alison Parker, Thank you!

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Fix your English grammar "repeat again" 7.6 / 10

Can we say repeat again?Fix your English grammar "repeat again"



Particularly in the the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, journalists (including Ambrose Bierce) and crusty schoolteachers got into the act of “cleaning up” the English language by insisting on their personal aesthetics, and a whole host of people today are still infected with the rules engendered. The “rule” against “repeat again” seems to be one such abomination. The idea? “Re” already means “again,” so “repeat again” is redundant and evil. [*] 


Fix your English grammar "repeat again" That the rule is fairly recent is evident from the following.


  • John Milton (1608–1674) uses “repeat again,” at least in his prose works.
  • WILLIAM KING, D.C.L. (1663-1712)
  • Song
  • You say you love; repeat again,
  • Repeat th’ amazing sound,
  • Repeat the ease of all my pain,
  • The cure of every wound. . . .
  • Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary of the English Language(at least in the 1766 third edition), under “reiterate”: “To repeat again and again. Milton. Smalridge.”
  • Johnsons̓ Dictionary of the English Language, in Miniature (1806), under “recapitulate”: “to repeat again distinctly”
  • F. Barlow’s Complete English Dictionary: Or, General Repository of the English Language (1773), under “reiterate”: “to repeat again and again. To repeat frequently.”
  • Chambers’s Etymological Dictionary of the English Language (1867), ed. James Donald, under “reiterate,” says, “to iterate or repeat again; to repeat again and again.”
  • A purist might insist that “repeat again” can mean only to repeat a second time or more, and that makes sense. When you see “repeat again” in modern published books, it’s most often “repeated again and again.”


In the almost always rational and useful Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of English Usage (1994) and in Merriam-Webster’s Concise Dictionary of English Usage (2002—highly recommended by eminent linguist Geoffrey Pullum), we read this under “repeat again”:


“Jensen 1935, Copperud 1980, and Shaw 1987 consider repeat again redundant for repeat. But look at this example:


‘A theme was repeated again and again. In the middle of grace-notes, runs and catches it recurred with a strange, almost holy, solemnity’—James Stephens, The Crock of Gold, 1912


“This is a perfect example of useful redundancy.”


You see a hint of this sentiment in a Grammarphobia column on “reiterate,” a word with its own controversy (Repeat performance):


“But I see nothing wrong with using ‘reiterate’ as in post-classical Latin and other languages – for both ‘repeat’ and ‘repeat again.’”


Even in a post that tells the reader to ding the “again” in “repeat again,” the author concedes that there can be a point to redundancy (Common Redundancies in the English Language)


In specific contexts, some of these phrases may serve a purpose. More often, however, the phrases weigh down our writing with unnecessary words. We can eliminate the needless repetition in each case by omitting the word or phrase in parentheses.


And Grammarist says the following (Repeat again: This is redundant when something is repeated for the first time.):


Fix your English grammar "repeat again" “Repeat again: This is redundant when something is repeated for the first time.”


   I’ll repeat (as I’ve said it only once before, I can’t repeat it again): “Repeat again” should be unimpeachable on a second repetition or beyond. But if your teacher is hidebound, you might have to bring out the big guns.


[*] Even Garner fell into the trap, but he’s a lawyer and loves concision:


 “✳repeat again; repeat back. Both are needless redundancies. See REDUNDANCY.”


Excerpt From: Bryan Garner. “Garner’s Modern English Usage.” iBooks. ‎Garner’s Modern English Usage


See also Writing Concise Sentences


Can we say repeat again? Reference: Dr Alison Parker, “Is it correct to say ‘I repeat again.’?” originally appeared on Quora, the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world.
Fix your English grammar repeat again

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Fix your English grammar – “Repeat Again”