How To Learn English Fast – 10 Tips To Learn English Faster

How To Learn English Fast? Top 10 Tips To Learn English Faster!

by Apr 22, 2020English and Study Tips, Smart Brains Spotlight

How To Learn English Fast?


Top 10 tips for learning English faster

Elo Kasia

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How To Learn English Fast

How to learn English Faster

Top 10 tips for learning English faster


How To Learn English Fast - 10 Tips To Learn English Faster


Are you struggling with your English? Have you been learning for many years and tried many methods but you still can’t speak? Or, are you just a beginner who wants to find the best and fastest way to learn?


Are you asking yourself, “How can I learn faster?” and “How can I learn easily?” Below, you will find some useful tips on how to learn faster, more efficiently and achieve fluency quicker. This article will help you choose the best methods for you.


1. Believe in yourself


How To Learn English Fast - 10 Tips To Learn English Faster English is the most widely spoken language with 1.1 billion people around the world speaking English. As only 15% are native speakers, the rest, just like you, are learners. So, start from believing in yourself. English is not difficult and it is possible to become fluent fast. When you speak to somebody, focus on your strengths, on what you know. Don’t worry if you forget a word, use another or try to describe what you mean with the words you know. Think about communication, not about being correct. People you are talking to will be happy to help you if you become “stuck”.


Thank you, Please subscribe to this popular YouTube channel – The English Coach.


2. Learn to speak with confidence


How To Learn English Fast - 10 Tips To Learn English FasterMost students want to learn how to speak. Yet most courses, books and teachers still teach the old methods and insist that grammar is the most important. In fact, if you worry too much about grammar, it might take you longer to learn to speak English. Your fear of making mistakes and thinking too much about every sentence will hold you back. So, my advice is, do not worry too much about grammar terms, do not study tables of tenses and long lists of collocations. Instead, choose a course that teaches you how to communicate in everyday situations from Day 1.


Thank you, Please subscribe to this popular YouTube channel – Learn English with Let’s Talk – Free English Lessons.


3. Learn to use simple language without making mistakes


How To Learn English Fast - 10 Tips To Learn English FasterThe key to learning English fast is being able to use some simple structures straight away. English is naturally a very communicative language. It is very easy to start using simple expressions and sentences from Day 1. Make sure you repeat a new word or phrase many times and know how to pronounce it. Use it as often as you can. Do not use new words until you are confident you know their meaning. Make sure you know basic verbs and tenses, how to form questions and negative sentences. You will be able to talk really quickly. As Maya Angelou, once said “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”


Thank you, Please subscribe to this popular YouTube channel – Ask Jackie.


4. Repeat until you learn


How To Learn English Fast - 10 Tips To Learn English FasterRepetition is key to learning English. It is best if you can join a course with a tutor or follow a course with live lessons so that you have a good pronunciation model and can repeat live after your teacher. A good teacher will give you plenty of “drills”, that is, exercises when you learn set phrases and expressions. In this way, you absorb automatically new words and structures and are able to use them without thinking and translating them in your head first. Make sure you say every word or sentence out loud. Say them clearly. A good idea is to talk to yourself in front of a mirror or record yourself on your phone so that you hear yourself speaking and stop being shy about speaking English.


Thank you, Please subscribe to this popular YouTube channel – English with Adriana.


5. Follow a course with a teacher


How To Learn English Fast - 10 Tips To Learn English FasterStructured English learning is the best. There are a lot of free videos and applications out there, but it is difficult for a beginner learner to know what is important and in what order to learn. If you join a course with a qualified teacher and a set programme, you learn things you need to know. Best courses out there focus on communication and use newest methods to ensure you learn quickly and effectively. A good course has a balance of communication activities, vocabulary, listening and grammar which are introduced in a structured way.


Thank you, Please subscribe to this popular YouTube channel – Go Natural English.


6. Learn with a native speaker


How To Learn English Fast - 10 Tips To Learn English FasterYou should avoid translating English from your native language as much as possible. It is natural for a beginner learner to translate new words and phrases into their mother tongue. However, it is very important to learn with a teacher who does not share the same language as you. In this way, you are forced to learn through English and start to understand English much faster. A native speaker is also the best model for pronunciation and is able to show you how the language is used naturally in everyday situations.


Thank you, Please subscribe to this popular YouTube channel – linguamarina.


7. Learn in a context


Always learn new words in sentences and in a meaningful context. This is the quickest and most effective way to learn. When you learn a new word, make a sentence about yourself, your family, your surroundings. Avoid doing long written exercises with no meaning to them. The best way to learn is to get to know familiar phrases and expressions in everyday situations. Whenever possible use the language you have learnt to describe the world around you. Talk about what you are doing at the moment, describe the room you are in, read packages of food, instructions on leaflets and so on. This is the type of language you will need. When you learn a new structure or a new tense, imagine different situations and replace words so that you multiply the number of sentences you can make. For example, if you learn, “I’m going to school now”, try to replace “school” with as many words you know. Then try to replace “going” with other verbs and so on. You will be amazed at how many sentences you can make.


Thank you, Please subscribe to this popular YouTube channel – Speak English with Christina.


8. Write new words down or record them to help you remember better.


Many people learn by writing English words down, but some people prefer to hear the words. The old method of notebook works for many students. You write down words with translations, create a mind map of word groups or even draw. Make sure you write down an example which would help you remember the word better. If you are a learner who learns better by listening, listen to recordings of lessons or record words yourself, then listen and repeat as often as you can.


Thank you, Please subscribe to this popular YouTube channel – Speak English With Vanessa.


9. Learn with a teacher


There are many online English programmes and pre-recorded courses out there. Some students find them useful. However, in most cases, learning on your own is a difficult and long process. Also, people all over the world are looking for speaking partners. But a partner who is at the same level as you (or lower) is not going to help you learn. You will still be making the same mistakes and your progress will be slow (if any). If you want to learn faster and more effectively, find a teacher who runs a professional course you can join. You will be able to make progress much quicker with a professional teacher who is there to support you and corrects your mistakes straight away.


Thank you, Please subscribe to this popular YouTube channel – mmmEnglish.


10. Learn together


It is true that some students are able to teach themselves with an application or a textbook. But it is difficult for most people. Learning a language (English) is about interaction, communication and having fun, so, the best way to learn is to join a class. It is much easier to find motivation while learning with others who are on the same journey. As most countries are in lockdown at the moment, use this opportunity to enroll on an online course. Make sure you join one with live lessons, professional tutors and opportunities to learn together with other students in a virtual class. Do you know you can learn live with professional teachers from any place on the planet from as little as $2 dollars a month? Join Eloquent Learning today, the first professional English learning college on social media. Learn faster, learn live, learn at home.


Thank you, Please subscribe to this popular YouTube channel – English with Lucy.

How To Learn English Fast - 10 Tips To Learn English FasterAre you ready to start learning? You can now join our exclusive and first professional Eloquent English Learning College on social media for as little as $1 dollars a day. Don’t wait. Check us out today – Enroll Now for Just $1 A day!!

How To Learn English Fast - 10 Tips To Learn English Faster

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