Inspiring Poems by Umoru Abdulfatai | Summer Collection 2019


Inspiring Poems by Umoru Abdulfatai By: Umoru Abdulfatai



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Inspiring Poems by Umoru Abdulfatai | Summer Collection 2019

by | May 1, 2019 | Uncategorized

Umoru Abdulfatai

Community Contributor (Nigeria)

Inspiring Poems by Umoru Abdulfatai Umoru Abdulfatai is a young, smart and talented writer. He is a National Diploma (ND) graduate from the Department of Architectural Technology, Federal Polytechnic Auchi, Edo State, Nigeria. Umoru loves to share his knowledge and inspiration poems with others.

Inspiring Poems by Umoru Abdulfatai Architecture

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Inspiring Poems by Umoru Abdulfatai


Inspiring Poems by Umoru Abdulfatai | Summer Collection 2019


Inspiring Poems by Umoru Abdulfatai Inspiring Poems by Umoru Abdulfatai | Summer Collection 2019

  1. Life is like an incendiary material
  2. The journey of a lifetime begins with just a step
  3. Play your role in life
  4. Love and Respect Our Parents
  5. The choice you make today
  6. Don’t lose hope
  7. Life is but a little wonder
  8. Your family is the best support you can have in life
  9. Learn to live with your current situation
  10. Loneliness is never called a morale booster


Inspiring Poems by Umoru Abdulfatai Inspiring Poems by Umoru Abdulfatai | Summer Collection 2019


Life is like an incendiary material


Life is like an incendiary material, if you don’t live well it will explode on you. Why living your life the wrong way, when you have the right to live freely.

Why going evil ways, while the righteous way is for free, to enter the kingdom of God is free if only you abide by the rules.

Having money is not everything, but what is your benefit in the afterlife matters a lot.

Live life base on what God wanted, don’t live life base on what you see others do.

Being poor doesn’t mean you don’t have a life to live when we all die, we will all be put in the same grave inside the ground. That’s where our judgment starts from if your being on earth was good or bad.

Let’s all stop the evil, live the life of a righteous human being. We where all giving birthday yesterday, look at your present state, living the life of a big man,  big boy,  big woman, big girl, forgetting that you can’t live forever.

When we all die, only your good and your evil deeds are going with us, they are the only thing that will speak for us. Why feeling big over people that have nothing, why feeling like a king over people that ask for your help. Those begging for your help, those who have nothing and those who have millions will be pit inside the ground when we all die. Why feeling like a king when we are all the same in the eyes of God,  live the life of a freeman, live the life of a righteous man because only the righteous ones are welcomed into the arms of God.

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Inspiring Poems by Umoru Abdulfatai Inspiring Poems by Umoru Abdulfatai | Summer Collection 2019


The journey of a lifetime begins with just a step


The journey of a lifetime begins with just a step, let your life be on stages. Arrange your life on the right part, always follow the rules of life because it might help you get to life itself.

Always base your decision on your present, not your past. Seeing a new morning is just like a rose bringing out it beauty, learn to appreciate every moment the morning brings, you don’t know what the next minutes look like.

Life is just like wings when yours are broken it doesn’t mark the end it sometimes means the beginning of a new dawn, new season, new road, especially a new life.

Don’t expect to be helping yourself, while hurting others. When listening to gentle spring rain, it sounds like some bed of roses about to explode filled with love. Before you make decisions,  try thinking if it will hurt others or destroy them. Always try to make decisions that will make others love you not dislike you.

Whoever wants everything gets nothing, whoever wants nothing gets everything.

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Inspiring Poems by Umoru Abdulfatai Inspiring Poems by Umoru Abdulfatai | Summer Collection 2019


Play your role in life


The process of coherent is very difficult, but the process of destruction is very easy. Let leave the past and face the future, let the bygones be bygones and let the become to come. Looking into the past might weigh you down but looking into the future will make you become great.

What you want to become in life is an easy task, but how you will become it is very difficult. You need to work hard just to become somebody in life, living a life without a dream is never called life, but living a life having a dream is worth a life.

Life itself is very difficult, you need to work hard before making it. The road to success is very difficult and rough you go alone nobody goes with you, when you make it they celebrate with you but when you don’t they all laugh and throw stones at you.

Your parent are millionaires why don’t you work hard to become a billionaire,  your parent grows high why don’t you work hard to grow higher, the life they say is all about risk.

Nobody can say where the world goes, it can only be determined by the creator. Play your role in life, do what has to be done. A good name they say is better than riches, not everywhere money can take you, but a good name can take you where riches can’t.

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Inspiring Poems by Umoru Abdulfatai Inspiring Poems by Umoru Abdulfatai | Summer Collection 2019


Love and Respect Our Parents


Inspiring Poems by Umoru Abdulfatai

Inspiring Poems by Umoru Abdulfatai | The best mum and the best grandmum in the whole world. Love you, Mumma,


The beginning of racing doesn’t determine the end of the race, but he who uses wisdom in racing always comes out best in racing. Let our parent try their best to give their children a proper education. Because without education we are nothing out there.

We, as they say, are the leaders of tomorrow, don’t let the noise of others opinion drown out your own inner voice.

Haters are the people that will broadcast your failure and whisper your success, you need the right people with you, not the best people.

Don’t give up on your child because he/she failed once, you must fail a hundred times to succeed once.

Let our parent bring out their best, for we their children to become something life.

Let us all end the child abuse, let’s put a stop to it for we the children are the leaders of tomorrow.

We need our parent support out there, we need our parent’s prayers out there.

God bless our parents for their hard work towards the success of their children.

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Inspiring Poems by Umoru Abdulfatai Inspiring Poems by Umoru Abdulfatai | Summer Collection 2019


The Choice You Make Today


Life is very funny,  you need to stand so tall.

Life goes quickly but kindness lasts forever, there is always a new taught when you meet new people.

Sometimes you say is the best times to wake the memories,  don’t ever make a promise that you might not be able to keep.

Sometimes is the hardest road that leads to the best places, don’t stop playing what you love most because of money, don’t be so busy to neglect the most important people in your life, give yourself the opportunity to feel the sunlight.

Whatever you will become tomorrow is the reflection of the choice you make today, always fight to win the rightful battle. For an action to take place there must be fusion, but how can fusion take place when is not around, it’s time to move on.

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Inspiring Poems by Umoru Abdulfatai Inspiring Poems by Umoru Abdulfatai | Summer Collection 2019


Don’t lose hope


Tomorrow always has a young developing and will surely give birth, not even a thousand trial can remove it.

In every man’s life, there is the certain limit you cannot cross, the weather is out of fear or just because you don’t can believe even possible, then here you are crossing all the limit on your mind. The greatest act is to control your enemy and the key to your victory is in your head.

Don’t lose hope, there is always light behind every darkness, and there is always a winner in every competition.  Try to show some love out there, because life without love is like a tree without blossom of fruit.

You need to get up, get out, get something. How will you make it if you never even try? You just have to find the right frequency and have faith in who you are.

If you find yourself coming back while trying to move forward, it doesn’t mean you don’t worth moving forward, it simply means there is a step you forgot on your way out or is not just the right time for you moving forward.

When people are trying to take authority over you, it doesn’t mean they are ten times better than you, it only means they are trying to be you. Never lose hope when things are not going the right part, there is always a reason behind every situation. And God has a plan for everything.

We can’t take any credit for our talent, its how we use them that count.

To live only once but with hope.

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Inspiring Poems by Umoru Abdulfatai Inspiring Poems by Umoru Abdulfatai | Summer Collection 2019


Life is but a little wonder


Life is but a little wonder, there are always things that make you cry and to make you learn. Take it easy on one another, nice and friendly is the other. Be humble in your ways so that when you fall, there will be someone to pick you up,

Keep your distance from people who will never admit they are wrong, and always try to make you feel like it’s all your fault. It sucks when you need someone to talk to when your life is falling apart, and no one is there to listen. Some people won’t learn to appreciate you until they lose you.

Don’t break a birds wings and then tell it to fly, don’t see the wors in a person and expect them to see the best in you, don’t judge people and expect them to stand by you.

Before you speak listen, before you write think, before you spend earn, before you invest investigate, before you criticize you wait, before you pray to forgive, before you quit try, before you retire safe, and before you die to give.

When your life will likely change, modesty Is what to use for you not to be guilty.

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Inspiring Poems by Umoru Abdulfatai Inspiring Poems by Umoru Abdulfatai | Summer Collection 2019


Your family is the best support you can have in life


There is never the best excuse, to shut out your family. Support your children rather than oppress them, bless them rather than stress them. You are only their parent, not their creator, any attempt from you to stop them from what their creator wants them to be will make you a traitor.

One big advice is to treasure each moment life gives you because each moment is so precious.

Let us all show love, attention, forgiveness, care, obedience, faithfulness,  and play an important role in everyone’s life.

Only a man with no secret can make a wish right. Live life to the fullest, stop living your life base on general belief, live your life base on what you believe, believe you are healthy, believe you are fine, best things only happen to people that wait.

Our powers don’t make us good, they just make us powerful how we use them is up to us.

Your family is the best support you can have in life.

You can choose your friend, but you can’t choose your family.

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Inspiring Poems by Umoru Abdulfatai Inspiring Poems by Umoru Abdulfatai | Summer Collection 2019


Learn to live with your current situation


The beautiful melody is made out of beautiful lyrics, only the genius knows. Learn to live with your current situation, the wind of life can come your way with any situation, when it blows your way with a beautiful situation, never look down on anybody because it might blow on that same person some day.

Learn to live life out of other mistakes, don’t feel like you can do everything today because there is always tomorrow. Let not bring out nonsense out of making rhythm, let not take action out of what we heard.

When you find yourself missing someone, it’s just meant to be so, some people are just too special to us, no matter the situation we can’t let them go.

Sometimes you wish if you can get your heart desires within a snap, one thing you should know, not all you ask for you get. Sometimes we just want to do things on our own but we fail, don’t lose hope you might make it someday. Sometimes we just want to have fun to forget our past memories, you can only have fun to forget them just for a moment, not a lifetime.

Not everybody that laughs with you stands for you, and not everybody that stands for you die for you, a life they say is the journey of mercy.

The sky has its own time to be bright

The sun has its own time to shine

The sky has its own time to get dark

The moon has its own time to show itself

And the stars have their own time to make the sky beautiful

So everybody has their own perfect time to shine.

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Inspiring Poems by Umoru Abdulfatai Inspiring Poems by Umoru Abdulfatai | Summer Collection 2019


Loneliness is never called a morale booster


Loneliness is never called a morale booster,  but a moral disconnection. Being lonely is never called a game but sickness. It can make one carry out things that are uncalled for. Loneliness can bring back memories that are not to be remembered at a particular moment,  seconds,  minutes, or a particular time.

Loneliness is a feeling of depression resulting in from being alone, which can cause a period of unhappiness or low morale which last longer than several weeks and may include ideation of self-inflicted injury.

You can hear not deaf, you can work not crippled, you can speak not dumb and still lonely?

Let us all try and engage ourselves in some social activities,  let us all rise and say no to unhappiness.

When one door closes, another one opens. If you are alone how can you see the open door In front of you?

Let stand up and make our future bright, because making a bright future will not only make you a better person but will make you a hero of your own time.

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