Love Story from Rwanda By Impano J Claude

Love Story from Rwanda By Impano J Claude By: Impano J Claude



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Love Story from Rwanda By Impano J Claude

by | Apr 30, 2019 | Uncategorized

Impano J Claude

Community Contributor (Rwanda)

Love Story from Rwanda By Impano J Claude Impano J Claude is a young hardworking and smart man from Rwanda. Impano loves to share his knowledge and stories with others.


 Love Story from Rwanda By Impano J Claude


Love Story from Rwanda By Impano J Claude Authorship – 1

Community Contributor


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What you help a child to love can be more important than what you help him to learn.


African proverb

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Welcome to visit my below country Rwanda.


Thank you, ” Youtube – Bloomberg “.

Love Story from Rwanda By Impano J Claude


There were a couple of husband and wife living together, they had children, girls, and boys but husband was always seeking the reason for breaking up with his wife because he had not still loved her as before so he used to beat her, he did many bad things just to make his wife leave that house in case of marrying another woman, but his wife didn’t leave because she didn’t want to be a part of her children so she called his husband and tell him that if he wants to break up with her she can accept it but in one condition.

She asked him to treat her like a queen in one month and then after that time she promised her husband that she will accept to what her husband wanted (breakup).

So her husband after listening he felt happy because it was an easy way of breaking up with his wife without passing in the long path so he accepted to treat his wife well in one month of coming time. He started to hold his wife close, kissing, taking her out for date, and many things to make his wife very happy….. as days passing that man started to fall again to his wife.. he saw again how beautiful his wife is and he realized that no woman in the world is beautiful as his wife is.


Love Story from Rawanda By Impano J Claude

Love Story from Rwanda By Impano J Claude (My good friends)


On the 30 day, it was the day of breaking up as that woman promised his husband that husband called up his wife and they sat together on a beautiful garden then that man started to apologize to his wife to all bad things and to all mistakes he had performed to his wife..
He said `My wife am sorry but I don’t want to break up with you now because I released that no woman in this entire world is beautiful as you are. Am sorry to all bad things I did to you from now I feel like I can’t afford to live without you.

That woman’s eyes filled of tears after listening up to her husband’s words she said my husband am sorry but I asked you to treat me like queen in one month because that time I met with my doctor when he said that I have a brain cancer I finally realized that my living days are numbered up to only one month so I didn’t want to see my children being raised by the other woman that’s why you humiliated me but I didn’t leave..

That man cried loudly ??because he was going to lose the wife he loved very much!!

Later that woman died and her husband left raising his children alone…

Thanks all for reading and I wish you to show those who you love that you really do in the time when they are still close to you when you are still able to see them when you are still able to talk to them…


????✌✌ End!.

Written by Imapno J Claude



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