Inspirational Moral Stories By Rejoice Praise Chidimma

by | Mar 19, 2019 | Uncategorized

Inspirational Moral Stories By Rejoice Praise Chidimma

Inspirational Moral Stories By Rejoice Praise Chidimma By: Rejoice Praise Chidimma


Inspirational Moral Stories By Rejoice Praise Chidimma

Proud to be a woman – Inspirational Moral Stories


I inspire young girls and help them gain their self-worth and esteem.

According to Bustle‘s blog post – “5 Facts That Will Make You Proud To Be A Woman“.  Please check out these 5 awesome facts that are cool about being female:


5 Facts That Will Make You Proud To Be A Woman

Inspirational Moral Stories By Rejoice Praise ChidimmaEveryone Starts Off Female.
Inspirational Moral Stories By Rejoice Praise ChidimmaSome Of History’s Most Impressive Figures Were Women>.
Inspirational Moral Stories By Rejoice Praise ChidimmaWomen Have Always Worked Hard (Despite Unfair Wages).
Inspirational Moral Stories By Rejoice Praise ChidimmaSome Of The Most Acclaimed & Popular Books Ever Were Written By Women.
Inspirational Moral Stories By Rejoice Praise ChidimmaMore Women Are Graduating From College Than Ever Before.


How to Improve English Speaking Skills Inspirational Moral Stories – Regain My Self-worth And Esteem After Trauma

How to Improve English Speaking Skills Inspirational Moral Stories – Hear Them Say But Act Like You Don’t Care


Thank you for your time.

Rejoice Praise Chidimma



Rejoice Praise Chidimma

Community VIP Writer (Nigeria)

Rejoice Praise Chidimma is a smart, friendly and talented English Writer, motivator, achiever and story teller from the Nigeria. Mogalapu loves to share her knowledge with others.

Community VIP Writer

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The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it.

– Proud to be a woman –
Roseanne Barr

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Inspirational Moral Stories By Rejoice Praise Chidimma

Inspirational Moral Stories – Regain My Self-worth And Esteem After Trauma

Inspirational Moral Stories by Rejoice Praise Chidimma Rejoice Praise Chidimma

Inspirational Moral Stories by Rejoice Praise Chidimma

Inspirational Moral Stories by Rejoice Praise Chidimma


Hi, everyone, I am Rejoice Praise.

I believe this is a very good time to tell this as I am free from the bonds of low self-esteem.

Years ago, dad and I hadn’t been in very good terms the night before he traveled. A day after he left home for East we got the news of his death in a fatal automobile accident in the car he drove.

Mom, siblings, church members, relatives, friends, and community members tagged me his killer.

Reasons ranging from my fight with him, my aggressive nature to my manifestations during deliverance sessions in church services.

The neglect, disgrace, insults, and stigmatization I faced at home and environs caused me to stay back late in school after school hours as I was still in senior secondary school.

That same year I lost daddy was the same year I got raped by seven different guys in turns.

It hurts most that the very day I was raped mommy didn’t notice. And the times I was depressed or lost in thoughts she claimed I was thinking of whom to kill next as she called me an “evil child”.

I had lost my self-worth, value, and esteem. I tried lesbianism, masturbation, alcoholism, almost smoked cigarette and also tried suicide about three times.

Gladly help came my way and thankfully the self-worth, value and esteem I lost by being defiled by seven different guys, without my mother noticing the blood stains of my disvirgined state. neither did she stood by me through those horrible periods of my life and the stigma of being alleged my dad’s murderer was gradually restored.

I now live my life without being affected by the situations around me. Now I inspire young girls and help them gain their self-worth and esteem.


Inspirational Moral Stories – Hear them say but act like you don’t care

Inspirational Moral Stories by Rejoice Praise Chidimma Rejoice Praise Chidimma

Inspirational Moral Stories by Rejoice Praise Chidimma

Inspirational Moral Stories by Rejoice Praise Chidimma



If there is one thing a man wouldn’t stop doing, it’s….. SAYING that is one of man’s greatest exhibits, either by voice, signs, mimes, symbols, writing, coding etc but they definitely must SAY. Funnily enough, even the physically impaired and the handicapped aren’t left out of this attribute, everyone wants to have a say. 

You wear tattered clothes? They say. Wear a neat and smart one? They say. 

You wear an expensive outfit or a cheap second hand one? They say. 

You’re good? They say and then when you’re bad? They still say. 

You ride with your old man on a horse’s back? They say. Let your old man ride alone? They still say. And when you or your old man didn’t ride? They keep saying 

You can never satisfy the standard of the world! 

So why the concern?? 

Hear Them Say But Act Like You Don’t Care! 

You know what I tell a friend of mine? I don’t store irrelevant up here (in my brain). You don’t give rooms for people’s opinion to define you. People’s opinion of you shouldn’t be terminology for you. 

Hear them say; the good and the bad, examine them, keep the good and crosscheck the bad for necessary amendments. 

Oh yeah! 

We’ve got the beefers. Dispose of whatever they say is. Certainly, they’ll never have a good say about you. 

But you know and the interesting thing about them, they envy you and sometimes wishes to be like you yet physically they make derogatory remarks of you. 

Now, have you the SWAGS , the CLASS, the BRAIN, the right ATTITUDE? Have a nice bath, a good shave, brush your teeth so well, put on nice classy clothing, wear your cosmetics, go out there and make a cat-walk or a bossy- work….”for them”. 

Let the world know much unaffected you are by what their opinion or conclusion of you to them is to you even if you’ve got wind of their * SAYS* Don’t forget to storm them and shock them with your outburst of greatness. 

One more thing, don’t forget to wear a smile and throw kisses where necessary. 

What they say wouldn’t change your name after all! 



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