Raihanna Poem, Quote And Short Story June 2019 Collection

by | Jul 3, 2019 | Uncategorized

Raihanna Enggar

Community Poet

Love Poems By Raihana Summer 2019 Raihanna Enggar is a talented, smart and lovely poet and writer from Indonesia. Raihanna loves to sing, makes a poem, and write a short story.

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 Raihanna Poem Quote And Short Story June 2019 Collection


Raihanna Poem Quote And Short Story June 2019 Collection Auhtorship – 5

Raihanna Poem Quote And Short Story June 2019 Collection Poet – 1

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No need to feel guilty, sad or disappointed by the people who have negative effects on you.

Throw them away from your life. Cuz they just want to put you down. Don’t want to see you happy.

— Raihanna Enggar

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Raihanna Poem, Quote And Short Story June 2019 Collection


Raihanna Poem, Quote And Short Story June 2019 Collection


Raihanna Poem Quote And Short Story June 2019 Raihanna Poem, Quote And Short Story

  1. Stay Positive
  2. To let go
  3. About Me
  4. The right one will stay
  5. My heart cry
  6. Give is better than receiving
  7. All your money are useless for you



Raihanna Poem Quote And Short Story June 2019 Raihanna Poem, Quote And Short Story  | Stay Positive


Stay Positive


I always try to think positive way.

Why cuz I have so many disappointed in life. Being insult, humiliation, put me down, dislike, disloyal, dishonest or even disrespectful.

It’s giving me bad experience and traumatic. I can’t easily trust people. I can’t easily fall in love. I can’t easily be friends.

But everything has the time. The time that answer all your questions, all your prayers and all your wishes.

So never stop to believe that you can…

You able to do that. You can get what you want. You just believe in yourself and do the best you can. And never ever give up….

All the great things will be happen….

Be leader not a follower

Be a. Winner not a loser

Be a player not a victim

Keep in your mind and keep in your struggle , keep in your faith

Not to give up and not to give in

Just be your self and try the best

All you get was ” unbelievable feeling “

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Raihanna Poem Quote And Short Story June 2019 Raihanna Poem, Quote And Short Story | To Let go



To let go



Sometimes we must to let go and accept the situation that happen in our lives. They leave us alone with choice or force, it doesn’t matter Even how bad we want them to be our parts in future. Sometimes lose isn’t always loss. Cuz the loss will give the next space for replacing.

We must keep move forward how hard it is.
Even if we have to crawl or bleeding cuz it’s killing us.

All mistakes and wrong action are forgivable if we admitted. The good side is if we see them as chance to change our behaviours. To be a good person next time.

No need to feel guilty, sad or disappointed by the people who have negative effects on you.
Throw them away from your life. Cuz they just want to put you down. Don’t want to see you happy.

With positive mind and behaviour could growth your strong motivation to succeed.
So let them go and keep move on.
Face the reality. Don’t look back.
If they can’t see make them see “YoU”

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Raihanna Poem Quote And Short Story June 2019 Raihanna Poem, Quote And Short Story | About Me



About Me


Some people could say anything…..
Few people could hurt me by humiliation,
Stain my personality and
Discouraged or destroy my image.
But one hundred sure I know they can’t take away my good deeds.

Because no matter they said .,…..
No Matter they tried to do that…….
No matter how they describe me….

Still some people could understand me better.
Still some people could love me just the way Iam.
Still some people are admired me cuz they know me better than anyone else.

Don’t have to change your attitude because of
Someone humiliated you, discouraged you and destroy your image.

Show them your kindness
And no need to proof to others
Cuz I just responsible for what have done and for what I said not for what hater ” thought”
About me

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Raihanna Poem Quote And Short Story June 2019 Raihanna Poem, Quote And Short Story | The right one will stay



The right one will stay


No need to be worried
No need to be afraid
No need to be sad

Everyone leaves
Everyone disappears

Let them go
Let them free

I still here
I still smile
I still believe

The right one will stay

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Raihanna Poem, Quote And Short Story | My heart cry


My heart cry


My heart cry …

I Walked thousand miles
Sold many things
Just wanna give them best education

Now they don’t even think about me

I cry again silently
And look at outside the window
Hope today they Will come to me
Kiss me
Hug me
And say that they love me
As much as i do

I look at the window again
Only silent and the wind blow

I wipe my tears again
They Will come
Maybe ….

Yes absolutely
After my soul fly away
After no tears left in my face again
After i couldn’t breathe again.

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Raihanna Poem, Quote And Short Story | Give is better than receiving


Give is better than receiving


Why we don’t care if we saw something like this in the road…. ??
Do you know why ? Cuz something like these are every where …
So its usuals..
Its common…

We don’t care anymore. Our heart just became selfish and less humanity..
How about you in their position??
Can you imagine??

I think no one in this world want to be homeless. No home, No food , and
No family…

But it could be happen..
Because the war , corruption or poverty
Everything could be happen.
But as human we couldn’t be individuals
We live in socialization
So we must help each other.

So hand in hand together.
Help each other. Help others who needs your help. Stop selfish and egoistic
Educated our children so they could cut poverty circle.

With Good education our problems will solve but education without morality are useless. So don’t give up to teach our children in good morals too.

In the future. They won’t be like this.
Every one could get their chance in life.
” hands above is better than hands in beneath. “
” Give is better than received.”

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Raihanna Poem, Quote And Short Story | Money are useless for you


All your money are useless for you


Most people think only about dunya , they tried everything they could to get a lot of money. Become successful and powerful.

They got catch by the temptation. Men and women all the same goals or purposes they want only pleasure for themselves.

Men interested in 3 (Three) things :
Power (position) , Money , Woman
Yeah they could do anything to get higher position after they got higher position then they could corrupted on their company or institution because of woman. Most of the Man fell down or success because of the woman behind them. “So don’t underestimate about the beauty of woman.”

And the woman interested in 2 things :
Money and Attention….. Why ???
Woman loves precious things ???
They loves branded clothes or precious jewelry. That’s why they need a lots of money.

They want to be beautiful too. And That’s all the money spent for beauty care? and they need to be beauty cuz they need attention from anyone……

Few people forgot live in dunya only temporary.. All things and beauty only belongs to Allah almighty. The Merciful and powerful God.
All the things we have will disappear and lose by the time or by God wants so do the good deed and be kind to everyone , before its too late.

When you want to fix all…
When you want to get merit ..
All your regrets it’s too late
And there’s nothing you can do.
All your money are useless for you..

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Raihanna Poem, Quote And Short Story June 2019 Collection

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