Third Conditional in English Grammar

Third Conditional in English Grammar

by Nov 19, 2019English Grammar Tips, English Time Ask Elo

Third Conditional in English Grammar

English Grammar Rules, Explanation, and Examples

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First Conditional in English Grammar

The Secret to English Vocabulary The third conditional in action – English grammar



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First Conditional in English Grammar

What is the third conditional (past unreal) in English grammar?

Asked by @ Aftab Khan (Community English Student)

Third Conditional in English Grammar

Answered by @ Elo Kasia

Elo Kasia is the English Mentor for  First Conditional in English GrammarEnglish Grammar and Speaking Academy” ,  Join now.

third Conditional in English Grammar

third Conditional in English Grammar  @ Aftab Khan, Thank you for your question.

third Conditional in English Grammar  As usual, I will try to explain the difference using simple language and plenty of examples.


third Conditional in English Grammar


What are conditional sentences?
When do we use the second conditional?
Form of second conditional
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Short quizzes about the third Conditional in English Grammar

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Zero Conditional in English Grammar
First Conditional in English Grammar
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Current Post – Third Conditional in English Grammar

First Conditional in English Grammar

What is the third conditional (past unreal) in English grammar?



First Conditional in English Grammar



Daily grammar lesson with Elo Kasia. When do we use the third conditional (past unreal)? Easy explanation with plenty of examples.




First Conditional in English Grammar  What are conditional sentences?



Conditional sentences are used to talk about events and their results. They are made of a condition and a result. The two events are connected, as one event is a condition for the other event to happen.


Conditional sentences are used to talk about events and their results and are made of two clauses, the condition clause and the main (result) clause.


The four main types of conditional sentences are factual conditional ( The 0 conditional ), possible conditional (Type 1 conditional ), present unreal conditional ( Type 2 conditional ) and past unreal conditional ( Type 3 conditional ).


Conditional Forms

  1. Factual conditional (zero conditional) / Form: Present Simple — Present Simple
  2. Possible conditional (first conditional) / Form: Present Simple — will + verb
  3. Present unreal conditional (second conditional) / Form: Past Simple — would + verb
  4. Past unreal conditional (third conditional) / Form: Past Perfect — would have +Past Participle



First Conditional in English Grammar  What is the third conditional (past unreal/hypothetical)?



The third conditional is used to imagine a different past than the one that happened and often to express regret. We describe a situation that didn’t happen and imagine a different result.
If I had studied harder, I would have passed my exams. (I didn’t study and I didn’t pass, but if it had been different…)
They wouldn’t have had the accident if they hadn’t driven so fast. (They drove fast and they had the accident)


As you can see, you can change the order od the sentences without changing the meaning. The clauses in the conditional sentences can be positive or negative.



First Conditional in English Grammar  Form of third conditional



We make the third conditional by using the past perfect after ‘if’ and then ‘would have’ and the past participle in the second part of the sentence:


  • l If + past perfect, …would / could / might + have + Past Participle (V3)


Past perfect is formed by the verb HAD and Past Participle (with regular verbs we add -ED, or with irregular verbs, you need to memorise the third verb form).
Apart from “would”, we can also use “could” and “might”.


First Conditional in English Grammar Have a look at these examples:


  • If we had taken a taxi, we wouldn’t have missed the plane.
  • She wouldn’t have been tired if she had gone to bed earlier.
  • She would have become a teacher if she had gone to university.
  • We wouldn’t have been in this mess I you had told us the truth from the beginning.
  • If they hadn’t lost their keys, they would have been able to get into the house.
  • I would have taken a photo if I had brought my camera with me.
  • I wouldn’t have left my job if I hadn’t fallen out with my boss.
  • He would have died if the ambulance hadn’t arrived quickly.
  • I would have had more time if I had left the house earlier.
  • I wouldn’t have gone out if him if I had known he was married.
  • If I had had more money, I would have gone on the world trip with my friends.
  • If James had worked harder, he would have won the prize.



First Conditional in English Grammar  What is the difference between the second and third conditional?

There are two main differences between the second and third conditional, first, in relation to time, and second, in relation to the degree of possibility.
The second conditional is used to talk about the present or future, while the third conditional is used to talk about the past.
Also, the second conditional is mostly used to describe events or situations which are unlikely (though in some cases we describe imaginary situations) however, the third conditional always describes a situation which is IMPOSSIBLE (since the past cannot be changed).
Compare these two sentences:
If I had a lot of money, I would go on a trip around the world. (it is unlikely but possible to happen)
If I had had a lot of money, I would have gone on a trip with my friends. (the trip has already happened and I didn’t go, but I express regret…)


Make sure you follow our *TT exercises to practise different types of conditional sentences. For the third conditional think about a situation ii
the past and try to imagine how it could have been different, for example, you missed the bus yesterday –
If I had left the house earlier, …. I wouldn’t have missed the bus, I would have had time to go to the shop, I would have been on the bus that crashed…etc.
You had too much too eat and you felt sick yesterday.
If I hadn’t eaten so much, … I wouldn’t have felt sick, I could have had a lovely dessert, I wouldn’t have ended up in hospital, etc.


Check my other articles here: All English Time Ask Elo – Learning Articles



First Conditional in English Grammar English Grammar Test Time (TT)


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This is a timed quiz. You will be given 60 seconds to answer all questions. Are you ready?


They would ______ if they had been invited.

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If I had known you were coming, I would have ____ some food.

Correct! Wrong!

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If I _____ more time, I would have spent more time with my grandchildren.

Correct! Wrong!

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If we hadn’t ___ they key, we would have been locked out of the house.

Correct! Wrong!

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He would have died if he _____been wearing a seat-belt.

Correct! Wrong!

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First Conditional in English Grammar Elo Kasia Community Mentor for First Conditional in English GrammarEnglish Grammar and Speaking Academy“.
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