Using Have, Has & Had simplified – Learn English Grammar

by Feb 20, 2019English Grammar Tips

Mogalapu Srinivasarao

Community Writer (India)

  • Leadership strengths (Level 18)
  • Community Writer (Level 2)

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Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.


Mohandas Gandhi

Using Have, Has & Had simplified – Learn English Grammar Online


First, let me share with you one very informative and popular learn English grammar video “Using Have, Has & Had simplified” from my country (India). This video was created by this well-known India youtube education channel “Learn English with Let’s Talk – Free English Lessons”.


Using Have, Has & Had simplified – Learn Basic English Grammar Lessons to learn Verbs & Tenses

thank you, “youtube\Learn English with Let’s Talk – Free English Lessons”



Using Have, Has & Had simplified | Learn Basic “Have” English Grammar

Today in this learn English grammar class, I would like to say about the basic English grammar for the word have and why is a good word.

“have” new learners learn easily. It tells ownership. This tells possess, it tells continue action with ing form; it tells with past participle as passive voice,

question tag, and interrogative tag. For instance, all the alphabets are small flowers you may take four flowers they four letters of h, a, v, and e. If we smell these flowers we know how this English language fragrance.

Using Have, Has & Had simplified | Learn Basic "Has" English Grammar

Using Have, Has & Had simplified | Learn Basic “Has” English Grammar


Learn English “Have” by examples:

  • We have good beautiful flowers.
  • They have been bringing flowers from the market.
  • These flowers have been decorated by her.
  • You have not known about it, have you?




Using Have, Has & Had simplified | Learn Basic “Has” English Grammar


In this learn English grammar class, I would like to say about the basic English grammar for the word has and why is a good word. I would like to say about the word has. Why “has” is a good word.

“has”  new learners learn easily. It tells ownership. This tells possess, it tells continue action with ing form; it tells with past participle as passive voice, question tag, and interrogative tag.

For instance, all the alphabets are jasmine flowers you may take three flowers they three letters of h, a, and s. If we smell these three flowers we know how this English language fragrance.

Using Has, Have & Had simplified | Learn Basic "Has" English Grammar

Using Has, Have & Had simplified | Learn Basic “Has” English Grammar


Learn English “Has” by examples:

  • She has a beautiful smiling face.
  • She has been reading the book when he came to the home.
  • This lovely room has decorated by her just now.
  • She has a new car, has not it?




Using Have, Has & Had simplified | Learn Basic “Had” English Grammar


In this learn English grammar class, I would like to say about the basic English grammar for the word had and why is a good word. I would like to say about the word has. Why “had” is a good word.

“had” new learners learn easily? It tells the ownership in the past. This tells possess in the past, it tells continue action with ing form; it tells with past participle as passive voice, question tag, and interrogative tag.

For instance, all the alphabets are rose flowers you may take three flowers they three letters of h, a, and d. If we smell these flowers we know how this English language fragrance.

Using Had, Has & Have simplified | Learn Basic "Had" English Grammar

Using Had, Has & Have simplified | Learn Basic “Had” English Grammar


  • Years ago, we had a good beautiful environment.
  • He had been sweet words when she came from the office.
  • These flowers had collected by her.
  • You had not told about it, had you?





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