108 Carrot Sayings | My Learning Goals and Writings
By: Mogalapu Srinivasarao
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108 Carrot Sayings | My Learning Goals and Writings
Mogalapu Srinivasarao
Community Writer (India)
Mogalapu Srinivasarao is a smart, hardworking and friendly English learner and writer from India. Mogalapu loves to share his knowledge with others.
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A man is but a product of his thoughts. What he thinks he becomes.
– Mahatma Gandhi
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108 Carrot Sayings | My Learning Goals and Writings
My English Learning Goals – 108 Carrot Sayings
1 Carrot is a root vegetable of the Umbelliferae family.
2 The carrot was a deep purple in Afghanistan.
3 Carrot will be in Vegetable market day after tomorrow it comes from Bangalore market.
4 Carrot has many shapes, sizes, and color in wordly.
5 wild carrot had a more protein which was grown in West Asia and Europe.
6 Carrot will have more vitamins when the icrisat introduces new seed.
7 The farmer grew the carrot crop last season.
8 The farmer grew the carrot crop last season.
9 The model farmer will grow the carrot crop next Kharif season.
10 The farmer is growing the carrot crop at present.
11 The farmer was growing the carrot crop at this time last rabi season.
12 The farmer will be growing this carrot crop the coming Kharif season when agriculture officer advises the best seeds.
13 The farmer has grown carrot crop since the plow completes.
14 The farmer had grown carrot crop when organic fertilizer scattered into the field.
15 The farmer will have grown the carrot crop after the government announces seed subsidy.
16 This farmer has been growing carrot crop for 2 years.
17 The farmer had been growing carrot for 2 years when he plowed the land.
18 That farmer will have been growing this carrot crop for 2 years when the prices of the vegetables rise.
19 Carrot is grown by the farmer every season.
20 The carrot was grown by the farmer last season.
21 Carrot will be grown by this farmer coming Kharif season.
22 Carrot is being grown by the farmer.
23 The carrot was being grown by the farmer.
24 Carrot has been grown by the farmer.
25 Carrot had been grown by the farmer.
26 Carrot will have been grown by the farmer.
27 This farmer would grow carrot crop after this crop reaps.
28 The farmer may grow the carrot crop when the plow completes.
29 The farmer might grow the carrot crop after water poured entire his land.
30 The farmer should grow carrot crop for getting better yields.
31 The farmer needs to grow carrot crop when the government announces as a tobacco crop holiday.
32 The farmer must grow carrot crop for reducing labor expenses compare to other crops.
33 The farmer has to grow a carrot in this land.
34 These farmers have to grow carrot for getting more benefits from the government.
35 The farmer will have to grow carrot crop in his land for better yielding and marketing.
36 The farmer will grow carrot crop as a crop changing habits.
37 The farmer shall grow carrot crop of a new variety for getting high input and low-cost expenses.
38 The farmer can grow carrot crop in his fertile soil.
39 The farmer had to grow this carrot crop because it was only given better yielding.
40 years ago, the farmer used to grow this carrot crop.
41 This farmer could grow the carrot crop when he had a seed.
42 The farmer would be growing this carrot crop after this paddy crop harvests.
43 The farmer may be growing this carrot crop when the Kharif season comes.
44 The farmer might be growing this carrot crop as and when the land plows.
45 The farmer should be growing this carrot crop in the fertile soil.
46 The farmer must be growing the carrot crop when the rabi season comes.
47 The farmer would have been growing this carrot crop.
48 The farmer must have been growing this carrot crop.
49 The farmer can be growing this carrot crop.
50 The farmer could be growing the carrot crop.
51 if he had this fertile land he would have grown this carrot crop.
52 if he had not sowed spices he should have grown this carrot crop.
53 if he had plowed this land he could have grown this carrot crop.
54 The carrot would be in rythumarket at last vendor shop for consumers easily recognize 55 Carrot may be in peda market behind the fist market.
56 The carrot might be in the refrigerator because he brings every Sunday from the market.
57 The carrot should be in juice center for preparing carrot juice. 58 Carrot must be in the star hotel at a restaurant before the server serves lunch or dinner.
59 Carrot ought to be in a fast food center as the chef uses for cooking birayani.
60 Carrot needs to be in the kitchen while her mother cooks halwa.
61 Carrot has to be inside polythene bag while keeps in the refrigerator for better freshness.
62 Carrots have to be in Bangalore because the remote village of that city this crop grows well.
63 Carrot will have to be in the kitchen with vegetables.
64 Carrot can be a rich red color when the farmer uses organic fertilizers.
65 Carrot used to be in that small market before the rythu bazzar doesn’t open.
66 Carrot had to be in that dish for lack of potatoes.
67 Carrot could be in that plate before her mother prepared juice.
68 The truck would have a carrot which comes from Bangalore.
69 Carrot may have a cone shape and red color.
70 The carrot might have many sizes.
71 The carrot should have a root vegetable.
72 Carrot must have a cooling Temperature.
73 Carrot needs to have sprinkling water when summer comes.
74 Carrot ought to have finger pieces while eating before meals.
75 Carrots have to have more vitamins.
76 Carrots will have to have a size in small and enough strongness.
77 Carrot can have a better size. 78 years ago, carrots used to have a big size.
79 This carrot had to have a bitter taste.
80 Some carrots could have better taste.
81 let these carrots buy.
82 buys these carrots to take.
83 when was these carrots came to the market?
84 let these carrots be not bought by him.
85 these carrots were taken by him form the market.
86 this carrot is the biggest one from the vendor’s shop.
87 This carrot is one of the sweetest of Bangalore carrot out of this basket.
88 carrots are better than any other root vegetable.
89 carrot is sweeter than all other vegetables.
90 This carrot halwa is as sweet as any other sweet.
91 carrots are yet to cook in today dishes.
92 eating carrot is yet to complete for 15 minutes.
93 If he grows carrot e can get better yieldings.
94 If he grows a carrot, he may get good profits.
95 If he grows a carrot, he will bring to the home.
96 If he grew a carrot, his wife would cook it.
97 If he grew a carrot, his family could eat it.
98 If he grew a carrot, he might collect it.
99 If he had grown the carrot in his field, he would have brought the market.
100 If he had grown the carrot he should have harvested early.
101 If he had grown the carrot he could have sold his market.
102 he said I grow this carrot crop.
103 he said that he grew this carrot crop.
104 he grew this carrot crop.
105 Carrot crop which he grew was more tonnes.
106 He grew a carrot crop and it is more tonnes.
107 as he knows his crop is good.
108 take as much as carrots you eat.
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