74 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter T 74 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter T

74 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter T

by | Sep 22, 2019 | English Vocabulary

Ashin Damika

Community Researcher

74 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter T Ashin Damika is a kind, caring and talented teacher from Myanmar. Ashin loves to share his knowledge with others. He also teaches at local monastery.

74 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter T BA : Law and literature

74 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter T Teacher at Monastery


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74 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter T Researcher – 2

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74 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter T

74 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter T

74 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter T


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74 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter T

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74 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter TSingle And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter T


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  • 1. One who speaks little = * taciturn [person]; (tacit [consent] = silent [agreement] )
  • 2. A person who cuts out,makes and sells outer garments = * tailor
  • 3. One who tells of another’s wrong–doing = * (a) tale–teller; (tale–bearer/tale = a story; To tell tales = to tell of another’s wrong–doing)
  • (A party which has,at times,governed New York City = * Tammany; [the word is used by some to mean dishonest government of cities] )
  • 4. A person dressed in very dirty and torn cloth = *tatterdemalion,(eg. a tatterdemalion prince)
  • 5. One who fills the skins of dead birds or animals and sets them up to look like live ones = * taxidermist
  • 6. One who works with a team of horses = *
    teamster; (team [team of horses or dogs] = two or more,pulling a cart; [of players]a group, eg. of 11 football players)
  • 7. One whose occupation involves training in a specific technical process = * technician,(one known for high skill in some intellectual or artistic technique/technical = having to do with some special art; having to do with machines and making things by machines/n. technicality/ technique = the art of doing some special things; one person’s [eg. a painter’s]special way of doing his art) / (In her teens = aged 13 to 19 [teenage] )
  • 8. One who abstains from alcoholic drinks = * teetotaler; (teetotal = using no wine or strong drink)
  • 9. One who pays out money in a bank = * teller; (tell = 1. to count; 2. to say a story; 3. to express or show; A clock tells the time; 4. to discover,eg. I can’t tell which is which; 5. to order,eg. tell him to go; 6. to have an effect,eg. Good work tells in the end; The hard work is beginning to tell on him = to have an effect)
  • 10. One who tells of other’s wrong–doing = * telltale; (tale–teller/telltale signs = signs which show what is secret or hidden)
  • 11. A person who holds and pays rent for a house or land = * tenant; (tenancy = the state or time of being a tenant)
  • 12. A group of tenants = * tenantry
  • 13. A noisy abusive scolding woman = * termagent; (a noisy scolding woman)
  • 14. (Sl. )A very unpleasant person = * (a holy)terror; (terror = great fear)
  • 15. One who tries to bring about a change in the Government by act intended to cause terror = *terrorist; (eg. murder of Government officers)
  • 16. The person who writes a will and testament = *testator; (testament = The Old–––,The New–––, parts of the Bible; Last will and testament = a paper showing what is to be done with goods, land and other possession after the owner is dead)
  • 17. A nobleman in England before A. D 1066 = *thane (Government by priests = * theocracy)
  • 18. One who does not notice [or does not care about]other people’s bad opinion of him = *thick–skinned; (thick = not thin,wide,broad)
  • 19. One who steals = * thief; (pl. thieves; v. thieve) (A thing [or person]of which one cannot remember the name = * thin-gamy [thingummy] )
  • 20. A person of very good birth and character = *(a) thorough–bred,(a special kind of horse used for racing/thorough = all through,completely)
  • 21. A very bad man = * (a) thorough–paced(villain); (A thoroughfare = a street open at both ends; No thoroughfare = this street is not open at the far end)
  • 22. A slave = * thrall; (a state of being a slave)
  • 23. An Indian thief and murderer = * thug
  • 24. A prisoner allowed out of prison but still watch by the police = * ticket–of–leave man; (ticket = a small card showing that the owner has paid for a seat in a theater,etc; a card showing the price of a thing in a shop)
  • 25. One who laughs easily when tickled = * ticklish ; (difficult,needing careful treatment/tickle = to cause a person to laugh by light touches, eg. under the arms; Sl. That tickles me = ––amuse––)
  • 26. One who always tries to please who have power at the moment = * (a)time–server; (time = 1. eg. past,present,future; 2. A long time = [idea of lasting,continuing; 3. a particular moment or date; 4. eg. Three times two make six = 3×2 = 6/To time one’s blows = to hit at just the right moment; To time the work = to see exactly how long it takes/timely = coming just at the right time/a timepiece = clock/a timetable = a list of days and times when certain things will be done; a schedule of times of arrivals and departures)
  • 27. A person who repairs things made of metal, [eg. kitchen pots,etc. ] = * tinker; (to repair hastily or unskillfully)
  • 28. One who gets money by giving advice as to which horses will probably win races = * tipster
  • 29. One new to anything = * tyro [ = tiro = an inexperienced person] (neophyte,novice)
  • 30. One who tries to please the great or rich,and forgets his own self–respect in so doing = * toady
  • 31. (Sl. ) A gentleman = * toff,(a finely dressed person)
  • 32. A girl who behaves like a boy = * tomboy; (tom–cat = a male cat)
  • 33. A fool = * tom-fool
  • 34. An English soldier = * Tommy [ = short for Tommy Atkins]; (Sl. tommy rot = foolishness)
  • 35. A person of very small size in an English fairy–story = * Tom Thumb
  • 36. One who drinks too much wine = * toper
  • 37. A man on a horse who fights a bull [ = male form of cow] = * toreador
  • 38. A very young child = * tot; (tot = 1. a little drink; 2. the result of adding)
  • 39. A dangerous bad man = * (a)tough; (tough = not easily torn,eg. leather; [of a man] strong and daring/Sl. tough luck = bad fortune)
  • 40. One who travels for pleasure = * tourist; (tour = a round journey,stopping at various places)
  • 41. A person who goes about asking people to buy = * tout
  • 42. The persons employed in a certain business = *trade; (buying and selling; employment of any kind; To trade on one’s name = to make dishonest use of the good opinion held of one by others)
  • 43. A shop–keeper = * tradesman; (trade union = a joining together of the men in one employment so as to get better pay,etc. ; trade–wind = a wind which always blows from the north–east and south–east towards the equator [ = imaginary line round middle of the earth] )
  • 44. One who does harm to his own king or country,by helping an enemy = * traitor; (trait = a special and particular point of character)
  • 45. A homeless poor man who walks from place to place = * (a) tramp; (a ship carrying goods from place to place/tramp = to walk heavily; to walk far/ trample = to walk over and press down with the feet, eg. flowers in the garden)
  • 46. A person who changes location = * traveler; (traveler/travel = to move; to make a journey)
  • 47. One who catches animals to get their skins = *trapper; (trap = 1. an instrument for catching animals; a trick; a bend in a pipe in which solid matter is caught; 2. a horse–carriage with two wheels/to trap = to catch in a trap; to fix traps in a pipe; trap–door = a door in a floor or roof)
  • 48. A dearly loved person = * treasure,(a very useful servant/a store of precious things/to treasure = to value greatly)
  • 49. Officer in charge of money = * treasurer; (treasury = a place where treasures are kept; the Government office which deals with money)
  • 50. One who digs trenches = * trencher; (trench = a long deep hole dug in the ground/trencher = a wooden plate on which food is served or carved [ = cut to pieces] )
  • 51. One who eats a lot = * trencherman
  • 52. An officer of government elected by the people = * tribune
  • 53. One who trick = * trickster; (trick = act done to deceive/he has a trick of = has a habit of [habit = an action done so often that it has become part of the character]; That will do the trick = do what is needed; To take a trick [in playing cards] = to win one set of cards)
  • 54. Three person considered as one = * trinity; (The trinity = the Christian teaching that God the father, Jesus Christ the son,and the Holy Spirits are three Persons,but one God)
  • 55. One of three children born at one birth = *triplet; (a set of three/triple = to make three times greater; three times; adj. made up of three persons or parts/triplex = in three’s; made of three thicknesses of material)
  • 56. One who goes out on a short journey for pleasure = * tripper (Sign that one is speaking of a woman = * –trix; [eg. One who carries out the wishes of a dead person as to his money = [male] executor; [female] executrix)
  • 57. An ancient cave–dweller = * troglodyte,(one who lives in solitude; someone who lives in a cave /dweller = a person who inhabits a particular place)
  • 58. A careless dirty woman = * trollop
  • 59. A crowd of people = * troop,(a group of horse–soldiers/to troop = to move forward in a crowd; Trooping the colors = a ceremony in which respect is shown by soldier to their own special flag)
  • 60. A horse soldier = * trooper
  • 61. The soldiers = * (the) troops,(the army/a troop–ship = a ship which carries soldiers)
  • 62. A group of actors or show–people = * troupe
  • 63. A child who stays away from school = * truant; (To play truant = to stay away from [school] )
  • 64. A person who has charge of a dead man’s money and goods so that the dead man’s wishes may be carried out = * trustee; (trust = to have faith in another’s honesty; to believe; a trust = a duty; a union of several business houses so as to have complete control of buying or selling of certain goods)
  • 65. The ruler of Russia before 1918 = Tsar, [Czar]
  • 66. One who tries to make friend with rich or noble persons = * tuft–hunter; (tuft = a number of hairs or plants close together)
  • (Two groups pulling a rope so as to see which can pull harder = * tug–of–war; [tug = to pull,a small ship used to pull larger one] )
  • 67. A person who does clever tricks of jumping and falling = * tumbler; (tumble = to fall; Sl. To tumble = to understand suddenly; tumbler = a drinking glass)
  • 68. Noisy and uncontrolled crowd = * turbulent (crowd)
  • 69. One who changes his opinions for his own gain = * turncoat
  • 70. A teacher = * tutor,(a person in charge of a child or young person/tutelage = a state of being in charge of another person)
  • 71. One of two children born at one birth = * twin; (one of two things very like each other)
  • 72. One who works with a typewriter [ = writing machine] = * typist
  • 73. A ruler who has complete power = * tyrant, (a cruel and unjust ruler/tyranny = a state of being under such a ruler)
  • 74. The ruler of Russia before 1918 = * tzar, [tsar, Czar]

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74 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter T

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