Asking questions with DO DID and WILL

Asking questions with DO DID and WILL

Asking questions with DO, DID and WILL – Questions and auxiliary verbs

by Nov 28, 2019English Grammar Tips, English Time Ask Elo

Asking questions with DO DID and WILL

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Asking questions with DO DID and WILL


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Time expressions for tenses in English How to make questions with do, did and will


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Asking questions with do, did and will.

Asked by @ Abdulaziz Bamansour, (Community English Student)

Asking questions with DO DID and WILL

Answered by @ Elo Kasia

Elo Kasia is the English Mentor for  Asking questions with DO DID and WILLEnglish Grammar and Speaking Academy” ,  Join now.

Asking questions with DO DID and WILL

Asking questions with DO DID and WILL  @ Thank you for your question, Abdulaziz Bamansour.


Asking questions with DO DID and WILL  As usual, I will try to explain the difference using simple language and plenty of examples.


Asking questions with DO DID and WILL

Short quizzes about the Asking questions with DO DID and WILL?

Time expressions for tenses in English

Asking Questions with do, did and will.



Asking questions with DO DID and WILL




Daily grammar lesson with Elo Kasia. Asking questions with do, did and will.



This week, we are going to practice how to ask questions in English.
In order to ask a question, we need a “helping verb”. Depending on what “tense” (tense shows us if we talk about the present, the past or the future) we are using, we need a different “helping verb”.



Present tense – do/does + verb
Past tense – did + verb
Future tense – will + verb


We use do, does, did, or will to ask yes/no questions.


We add different “question words”, such as what, where, why, what time, how often, how much, or who at the beginning if we ask for specific information.



Asking questions with DO DID and WILL  1) Present Tense


1. We use the present tense (Present Simple) to talk about things in general, facts or our habits or routine activities.


  • DO/DOES – yes / no questions
  • Do you live in the UK? Yes, I do.
  • Do shops open at 8 am. No, they don’t. They usually open at 9.
  • Does Jenny play tennis? Yes, she does.
  • Does Ali work in a bank? No, he doesn’t. He works in a shop.
  • Do they go to the cinema every week? No, they don’t. They go about once a month.
  • Does it cost much to buy a car? Yes, it does.



Now, with Question words:


  • Where do you live? I live in London.
  • What time do shops open? Shops open at 9 am.
  • What sports does Jenny play? She doesn’t play any sports.
  • What does Ali do for a living? He is a salesman.
  • How often do they go to the cinema? They go to the cinema once a month.
  • How much does it cost to buy a car? It costs a lot of money.



Asking questions with DO DID and WILL  2) Past Tense


2. We use past tense (Past Simple) to talk about finished, completed actions in the past.


  • DID – yes/ no questions
  • Did he go to work yesterday? No, he didn’t. He stayed at home.
  • Did you drive to the party last night? Yes, I did.
  • Did they work in the garden this morning? No, they didn’t. They went shopping.
  • Did they send the parcel last month? Yes, they did.


Now, with Question words:


  • What time did you start work yesterday? I started at 9.
  • How did you get to the party? I drove.
  • Where did they go this morning? They went shopping.
  • How many e-mails did you receive last month? I received 50 e-mails.



Asking questions with DO DID and WILL  3) Future Tense


3. We use future tense (Future Simple) to talk about future events, decisions, offers and when making predictions.


  • WILL – yes/ no questions
  • Will you lend me the book after you’re finished? No, won’t. I have to give it back to the library.
  • Will Tama arrive on time? Yes, she will. She is always on time.
  • Will they win the championship? No, I don’t think they will.
  • Will computers do all people’s work in the future? No, they won’t.


Now, with Question words:


  • When will you send me the e-mail? I will do it as soon as I’m back in the office.
  • What will we need for the party? We will need some snacks and drinks.
  • How much will it cost? I don’t think it will be expensive.
  • Where will he go after the party? He will probably go home.



Practice asking and answering questions in these simple tenses to talk about facts and people’s routines (present simple), what they did in the past (past simple) and what predictions and decisions for the future (future simple).


Follow our TT exercises this week to gain fluency in making and answering different types of questions.



Check my other articles here: All English Time Ask Elo – Learning Articles




Asking questions with DO DID and WILL English Grammar Test Time (TT)



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___ you help me with this exercise when you finish your call?

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What ___ you buy when you get your wages next week?

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___ he normally go to work by bus?

Correct! Wrong!

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Where ___ you park your car when you are in work?

Correct! Wrong!

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How many glasses of wine ____ they have last night?

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Asking questions with DO DID and WILL



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Time expressions for tenses in English


Asking questions with DO DID and WILL Elo Kasia Community Mentor for Asking questions with DO DID and WILLEnglish Grammar and Speaking Academy“.
Director at Eloquent Learning Online, educational institution based in the UK. Asking questions with DO DID and WILL Grammar Rules

If you think about it, our lives are an endless pursuit of answers and new questions. So how can YOU take action to ensure that your learning never comes to an end?


Asking questions with DO DID and WILL

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