Time and Date in English

Time and Date in English

Time and Date in English – How to tell the time and date in English?

by Nov 25, 2019English Grammar Tips, English Time Ask Elo

Time and Date in English

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Time expressions for tenses in English Tell The Time In English | Dates in English


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How to tell the time and date in English?

Asked by @ Ela Szpilkowska (Community English Student)

Time and Date in English

Answered by @ Elo Kasia

Elo Kasia is the English Mentor for  Time and Date in EnglishEnglish Grammar and Speaking Academy” ,  Join now.

Time and Date in English

Time and Date in English  @ Ela Szpilkowska, Thank you for your question.


Time and Date in English  As usual, I will try to explain the difference using simple language and plenty of examples.


Time and Date in English

Short quizzes about the Time and Date in English

Time expressions for tenses in English

How to tell the time and date in English?



Time expressions for tenses in English



Daily grammar lesson with Elo Kasia. How to tell the time and date in English?



This week we have been talking about various time expressions used with different tenses and prepositions used with time expressions.


Today, we will look at how to tell the time and date, as many beginner students find it difficult.


When you tell the time in English, the hours always come first. If you look at the clock and see that it is 3:00 p.m., then you can say “It is three” or “The time is three o’clock.” It is that simple!


Remember that when you are talking about just the hour, and no minutes, then you will often use “o’clock.”

The question to ask is “What time is it?” or “What is the time?”
“Sir, do you know what time it is now?” or “Could you please tell me the time?”
“It is twelve o’clock.
Of course, when we talk about the past, we change the tense:
“What time shall we meet? Let’s meet at 3 o’clock.” (Future)
“What time did the party finish? It finished at 10 p.m.” (Past)
In spoken English, we use 12-hour, not 24-hour clock. Instead, to make clear if we mean morning or afternoon / evening we use a.m. or p.m.
These words are abbreviations for the Latin terms “ante meridiem” and “post meridiem,” which mean before midday (a.m.) and after midday (p.m.)
We don’t say It’s 17.00”. We say “It’s 5 p.m.”


Time expressions for tenses in English  Half past

For 30 minutes (which is half of an hour), we use half past:
7.30 = It’s half past seven.
3.30 = It’s half past three.


Time expressions for tenses in English  A quarter to / a quarter past

For 15 minutes, we use a quarter
10.45 = It’s a quarter to eleven.
6.15 = It’s a quarter past six.


For 5, 10,20,25 minutes we use to and past.

2.05 = It’s five past two.
3.35 = It’s twenty-five to four.


Time expressions for tenses in English  Telling the date correctly

For dates in spoken English, we always use ordinal numbers, i.e. THE fourTH OF July, not four of July.
Ordinal numbers = Numbers that show the order or sequence. Normally a -TH appears at the end of the number. e.g. seven … seventh. Some ordinal numbers are irregular:
1 – first
2 – second
3 – third
4 – fourth
5 – fifth
6 – sixth, 7-th and so on
For numbers over 20, only the second number is ordinal, so:
21 – twenty first
24 – twenty fourth
32 – thirty first
In spoken English we ALWAYS use ordinal numbers for dates. However, in written English you may write a normal (cardinal) number without the -TH or -ST etc. after it.



Time expressions for tenses in English  Order of days and months when saying the date

25 December = say: twenty-fifth of December (more common in the UK) or December twenty-fifth (more common in the US)



Time expressions for tenses in English  How to say the year

  • 1987 = nineteen eighty-seven
  • 2019 = twenty nineteen
How can you ask for the date in English?

Time and Date in English


The main ways of asking the date are:



Time expressions for tenses in English  What day is it today?


  • People will probably respond with a day of the week (It’s Friday) or the number (It’s the 28th).



Time expressions for tenses in English  What date is it?


  • People may give you the number (It’s the 28th) or the day/month (It’s 28th of June or June 28th) They will not answer with a day of the week.



Time expressions for tenses in English  What is the date (today)? OR What is today’s date?


  • This is another way where you will get a number as an answer.
The response to your question will most likely start with…
  • The date is …
  • The date today is …
  • Today is…
  • It is… (most common)
It is important to learn these expressions if you want to become fluent. It is crucial to be able to understand the dates and times as well as say them. You might need them for arranging a meeting, booking a room, giving information on a form, etc.
Try to use these expressions every day, i.e. say to yourself “what date is it”, “what time is it”, “what time you do specific things” and so on. I hope that our exercise will help you master this topic.

Check my other articles here: All English Time Ask Elo – Learning Articles




Time expressions for tenses in English English Grammar Test Time (TT)



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What were you doing __ midnight last night?

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I love getting up early __ Christmas Day and be the first to open the presents.

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They have agreed to meet __ Tuesday morning.

Correct! Wrong!

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We both arrived to the party __ the same time.

Correct! Wrong!

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The train to London leaves every hour ____the hour.

Correct! Wrong!

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How to tell the time and date in English? Grammar Quizzes
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Time and Date in English



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Time expressions for tenses in English


Time expressions for tenses in English Elo Kasia Community Mentor for Time expressions for tenses in EnglishEnglish Grammar and Speaking Academy“.
Director at Eloquent Learning Online, educational institution based in the UK. Time expressions for tenses in English www.eloquentlearning.com. Grammar Rules

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Time and Date in English

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