Great Biography An Indian Farmer – Biography Of Ordinary People

by | Mar 26, 2019 | Best and Interesting Articles

Great Biography An Indian Farmer – Biography Of Ordinary People
Great Biography An Indian Farmer By: Mogalapu Srinivasarao

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This is the true story of an Indian farmer. This is also one of the great biographies of ordinary people and written by an ordinary Indian.

According to the Down to Earth “The CSDS study report by “State of Indian Farmers” – ” The survey of 5,000 farm households across 18 states says that 76 percent farmers would prefer to do some work other than farming. Sixty-one percent of these farmers would prefer to be employed in cities because of better education, health and employment avenues there. A high percentage of farmers complained of repeated losses; 70 percent of respondents said their crops were destroyed because of unseasonal rains, drought, floods and pest attack.”


The Story of an Indian Farmer

The Story of an Indian Farmer, thank you Down to Earth.

This is a true story of an ordinary Indian farmer. His childhood, his studies, his struggles and most importantly why he is still like to be an Indian farmer.


How to Improve English Speaking Skills Great Biography An Indian Farmer – Biography Of Ordinary People


Thank you for your time.

Mogalapu Srinivasarao


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Mogalapu Srinivasarao

Community Writer (India)

Mogalapu Srinivasarao is a smart, friendly and talented English writer from the India. Mogalapu loves to share his knowledge with others.

Great Biography An Indian Farmer Authorship – 23

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Great Biography An Indian Farmer – Biography Of Ordinary People



This is the true story of an Indian farmer. This is also one of the great biographies of ordinary people  and written by an ordinary Indian Farmer

Once upon a time, the Indian farmer was born in Indian remote hamlet. When he has borne the weather was thick and black clouds and showers which gave cool air.

He went to tutor house for learning alphabets of his mother tongue. In those days they were no schools either public sector or private sector in remote villages and hamlets.


Great Biography An Indian Farmer

Great Biography of ordinary people – An Indian Farmer, Thank you Live Mint.


Then he completed fifth grade with good marks, and he would like to go high school studies which is far and 17 kilometers away from his hamlet.

His mother and guardians did not accept his wish. Then they said you should go farm fields to looking after buffalos, cows, and bullocks.

Those were the days the farmer woke up early in the morning in woo hours then he would go to the farm fields for looking after all animals.
The young Indian farmer fond of these animals. They were buffalos, cows, bullocks, goats, sheep and birds like hens, cock, pigeon, and peacock.

He gave green grass to feed all animals with the help of his farm field workers. Then he digging milk and bought to home. He likes milk comes from buffaloes.

He always said milk is good for our health. “HEALTH IS WEALTH”. Good health comes from good milk because curd which comes from milk that has lactic acid that helps preservation to human body a long time.


Great Biography An Indian Farmer

Great Biography of ordinary people – An Indian Farmer, Thank you, Entrepreneur.


He loves liked eco-friendly cultivation.

He harvested crops in his own land with his own seeds. He scattered canal mud and soil and old clay on his farm field, for fertilizing the land.

He said to the co farmers if you are not giving any organic fertilizers to your land that impact to your crop production.

He said if the crop not good the farmer has not given good efforts. He plowed soil his own bullocks at summer season when the monsoon comes he sowed his own seed in his own farm fields.

He sprayed herbal and cow urine and dung for pesticide controls by using traditional methods the farmer got richness in his farm field, like by scattering animal waste and hay pieces.


Great Biography An Indian Farmer

Great Biography of ordinary people – An Indian Farmer, Thank you, The National.


He harvested crops like paddy, sugarcane, fruits like papaya, mango, guava, banana, plums, coconut, embolic myrobalan and all vegetables like, onions, chilies, bottle guard, sponge guard, snake guard, pumpkin, lady finger, brinjal and tomato, curry leafs, coriander leaves, he harvested all needy vegetables.

He cached fish, crab, prawn, at monsoon season from irrigation water which comes from the river. He made his own food either vegetarian or non-vegetarian. They had not bought any food outside.

The farmer involved cultural activities and devotional activities with his co-farmers and agricultural worker and village peoples.

He gives small gold ornaments to the young poor people while wedding time. He knew well if any illness to the animals how to cure by using groceries like tamarinds, jiggery, and other food items. He treated animal’s sickness well.


Great Biography An Indian Farmer

Great Biography of ordinary people – An Indian Farmer, Thank you, Samaja live.


If any unhealthy of the animal the farmer gave good advice for getting well soon for them. He always sowed fruit seeds and plants to his fields, and public places at old age. If younger one asked you may not get these fruits at this old age.

He said the plants give fruits to the younger generation like you.

The farmer made agriculture tools with his agriculture workers by using his own traditional methods.

End of Great Biography An Indian Farmer – Biography Of Ordinary People.

Thank you for your time and reading my “Great Biography An Indian Farmer – Biography Of Ordinary People” blog post. I hope found it to be useful.

Mogalapu Srinivasarao



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