How to Improve Your English Writing

by Feb 17, 2019English and Study Tips

Mubashir Tufail

Community Mentor (Pakistan)

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Study hard, for the well is deep, and our brains are shallow.


Richard Baxter

How to Improve Your English Writing


Why the act of writing truly is powerful? 

In this “How to improve your written English” Learn English class. I am going to show you why the act of writing truly is more powerful than people think.  Also, I am going to share with you the top tips to improve your written English.


What are the top 10 benefits of English writing?

Top 10 benefits of English writing from well-known blog author – Francisco Sáez has made a list of top 10 benefits of writing on his blog article “10 Benefits That Writing Gives You“.

Francisco Sáez’s Top tips to learn English writing benefits are:

  1. You will communicate with clarity.
  2. You will eliminate stress.
  3. You will be more productive.
  4. You will learn more.
  5. You will gain awareness of your reality.
  6. You will make better decisions.
  7. You will be happier.
  8. You will live more focused.
  9. You will overcome tough moments faster.
  10. You will have a lot of written memories



Top English writing Tips From Harvard University

Top tips to Learn English from Harvard University‘s Word of wisdom’s article “The health benefits of writing your life story” cited:

Top tips to learn english act of writing

“When people pass away, so often their stories die with them,” says Kearney. “Think about how, as you get older, you wish you knew more about your grandparents or great-grandparents and how they lived.”

Besides sharing your stories, your memoirs can be an opportunity to pass along specific wisdom and life lessons. “Even if you write about parts of your life that you have never told anyone because they were unhappy or painful, revisiting them can show others the strength it takes to overcome life barriers when they face their own,” says Kearney.”

Did you know that writing can increase productivity, help manage stress, and even reduce depression? It also orders thoughts and emotions and allows people to locate and solve problems and negative feelings.

What’s more, writing allows the mind to brainstorm solutions too, especially when goals are pursued. And yet, despite how powerful writing can be, very few people undertake this practice. For example, it’s estimated that less than two percent of people write down goals.

A study recently conducted on university students shows the benefits of writing. The positive results were clear for students who tend to be academically at risk for failure. Such students often drop out because they may be underprepared for university or lack role models, just to name two possible reasons.




The university decided to intervene from the start, and so new students reflected on important events from their past, identified key personal motivators, and created plans for the future.

Goals were specific, and strategies to overcome possible problems were included too. The university then tracked these students throughout their university experience.

As a result of the writing exercises, the dropout rate decreased and academic achievement increased. In addition, two years after the exercise, any ethnic- and gender-group differences in performance disappeared.

The study demonstrates that writing combined with setting goals can limit any damaging beliefs students might have about their own academic performance. This is true even if the belief comes from negative stereotypes which the students might personally presume.

The act of writing truly is more powerful than people think.


Top English Writing Tips From Well known English Tutor Emma.

5 tips to improve your English writing

Thank you, “youtube\Learn English with Emma [engVid]”.





Top 5 English Writing Tips From Well known English Writer Sam H Arnold.

Top 5 benefits of English writing from well-known blog writer – Sam H Arnold. Sam has made a list of her top 5 tips to Improve your English Writing on her blog article “Five Tips to Improve Your Writing“.

  1. Write More – Write often and you will see the improvement.
  2. Keep a Journal – Keep a journal of observations and these ideas can be used for future writing projects.
  3. Join a Challenge of Creative Writing Course – Find a challenge that suits your workload and commits to complete it.
  4. Grammarly and Hemingway Editor – use these free tool.
  5. Write Where You are Comfortable – Find a place that works for you and writes there.


Thank you for reading my Top tips to Learn English – How to Improve Your English Writing. I hope you found it helpful and useful.

Mubashir Tufail





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