I do or I don’t Short answers to questions with auxiliary verbs

I do or I don’t Short answers to questions with auxiliary verbs

I do or I don’t short answers to questions with auxiliary verbs

by Dec 3, 2019English Grammar Tips, English Time Ask Elo

I do or I don’t Short answers to questions with auxiliary verbs

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I do or I don’t Short answers to questions with auxiliary verbs

I do or I don’t Short answers to questions with auxiliary verbs Chatsifieds

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I do or I don’t Short answers to questions with auxiliary verbs

When to use IS, WAS and Have in questions

Time expressions for tenses in English Short answers – how to formulate, spoken English, English grammar


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I do or I don’t – Short answers to questions with auxiliary verbs

Asked by @ Aldine Bobby (Community English Student)

I do or I don’t Short answers to questions with auxiliary verbs

Answered by @ Elo Kasia

Elo Kasia is the English Mentor for  I do or I don’t Short answers to questions with auxiliary verbsEnglish Grammar and Speaking Academy” ,  Join now.

I do or I don’t Short answers to questions with auxiliary verbs

I do or I don’t Short answers to questions with auxiliary verbs  @ Thank you for your question, Aldine Bobby.


I do or I don’t Short answers to questions with auxiliary verbs  As usual, I will try to explain the difference using simple language and plenty of examples.


I do or I don’t Short answers to questions with auxiliary verbs

Short quizzes about the I do or I don’t Short answers to questions with auxiliary verbs?

Time expressions for tenses in English

I do or I don’t – Short answers to questions with auxiliary verbs



I do or I don’t Short answers to questions with auxiliary verbs




Daily grammar lesson with Elo Kasia. How to answer questions like a native. Learn how to use short answers (“I do.” or “I don’t.”) and “helping verbs” (auxiliaries) when answering questions.


We have practised asking questions in different tenses this week. But how do we answer questions properly? Many English learners make mistakes when answering YES/NO questions.


For example:


  • Do you like action films? Yes, I like.
  • Did you have a nice break at the weekend? Yes, I had.
  • Have you ever tried avocados? No, I never.


Also, native speakers don’t just say “Yes” or “No”. For short answers, we use “helping verbs”. Remember, the clue is always at the start of a question, so listen for “do”, “did”, “have”,”are“, ”were” and so on and answer with that “helping verb.”
Let’s look at the most common tenses (tenses express the present, past or future).

I do or I don’t Short answers to questions with auxiliary verbs  1. Present Simple – “do” or “does”/ “don’t” or “doesn’t”


  • Do you speak English? Yes, I do. or No, I don’t.
  • Does he work here? Yes, he does. or No, he doesn’t.


I do or I don’t Short answers to questions with auxiliary verbs  2. Past Simple – “did”/ “didn’t”


  • Did you meet your friends yesterday? Yes, I did. Or No, I didn’t.
  • Did they visit their parents last weekend? Yes, they did. Or No, they didn’t.



I do or I don’t Short answers to questions with auxiliary verbs  3. Present Continuous – “am”, “is”, are”/ “I’m not”, “isn’t” or “aren’t”


  • Are you studying for your test? Yes, I am. Or No, I’m not.
  • Is he living with his sister now? Yes, he is. Or No, he isn’t.



I do or I don’t Short answers to questions with auxiliary verbs  4. Past Continuous – “was” or “were”/ “wasn’t” or “weren’t”


  • Were you talking on the phone to your mum when I arrived? Yes, I was. Or No, I wasn’t.
  • Were they shopping when you met them in town last night? Yes, they were. Or No, they weren’t.



I do or I don’t Short answers to questions with auxiliary verbs  5. Future Simple – “will”/ “won’t”


  • Will you come to my party? Yes, I will. Or No, I won’t.
  • Will you help me? Yes, I will. Or No, I won’t.


Once you have answered your question, it is common to give more details, so, for example:


Have you ever been abroad? Yes, I have. I have been to many countries.
Or No, I haven’t. I cannot afford to go abroad.
Are you doing anything exciting this weekend? Yes, (in fact) I am. I’m going to see a play.
No, I’m not. I’m stuck in the house.
Practise these short answers to questions in the most commonly used tenses, then go over the questions and try to give more details in order to make a proper conversation!
Follow our *TT exercises to gain confidence in using English naturally and fluently.


Check my other articles here: All English Time Ask Elo – Learning Articles



I do or I don’t Short answers to questions with auxiliary verbs English Grammar Test Time (TT)



Take a short I do or I don’t Short answers to questions with auxiliary verbs English grammar test now!




This is a timed quiz. You will be given 60 seconds to answer all questions. Are you ready?


Did you work as a waitress when you were a student? No, I ___. I worked in a shop.

Correct! Wrong!

Hear it:

Are you sitting comfortably? Yes, I __.

Correct! Wrong!

Hear it:

Will you call me as soon as the parcel arrives? Yes, I_____.

Correct! Wrong!

Hear it:

Were you watching TV when I called last night? Yes, I ___.

Correct! Wrong!

Hear it:

Does he collect stamps? No, he ___.He collects posters.

Correct! Wrong!

Hear it:
I do or I don’t Short answers to questions Grammar Quizzes
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I do or I don’t Short answers to questions with auxiliary verbs



I do or I don’t Short answers to questions with auxiliary verbs Want to learn more about I do or I don’t Short answers to questions with auxiliary verbs?



Book an online lesson with your favorite UK English tutor Elo Kasia now.
Time expressions for tenses in English


I do or I don’t Short answers to questions with auxiliary verbs Elo Kasia Community Mentor for I do or I don’t Short answers to questions with auxiliary verbsEnglish Grammar and Speaking Academy“.
Director at Eloquent Learning Online, educational institution based in the UK. I do or I don’t Short answers to questions with auxiliary verbs www.eloquentlearning.com. Grammar Rules

If you think about it, our lives are an endless pursuit of answers and new questions. So how can YOU take action to ensure that your learning never comes to an end?


I do or I don’t Short answers to questions with auxiliary verbs

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