How to Ask Direct Questions Politely in English

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How to Ask Direct Questions Politely in English? | Learn English Speaking

by Dec 5, 2019English Grammar Tips, English Listening and speaking tips, English Time Ask Elo

How to Ask Direct Questions Politely in English

English Grammar Rules, Explanation, and Examples

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How to Ask Direct Questions Politely in English

How to Ask Direct Questions Politely in English Polite requests and questions | Spoken English



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How to Ask Direct Questions Politely in English?

Asked by @ Bashir Zango Badamasi (Community English Student)

How to Ask Direct Questions Politely in English

Answered by @ Elo Kasia

Elo Kasia is the English Mentor for  How to Ask Direct Questions Politely in EnglishEnglish Grammar and Speaking Academy” ,  Join now.

How to Ask Direct Questions Politely in English

How to Ask Direct Questions Politely in English  @ Thank you for your question, Bashir Zango Badamasi.


How to Ask Direct Questions Politely in English  As usual, I will try to explain the difference using simple language and plenty of examples.


How to Ask Direct Questions Politely in English

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How to Ask Direct Questions Politely in English

How to Ask Direct Questions Politely in English?


How to Ask Direct Questions Politely in English



Daily grammar lesson with Elo Kasia. How to Ask Direct Questions Politely in English?

It is very important to sound polite is English and there are many different ways of doing so. English has many rules about what is considered formal, informal, rude and polite.



It is certainly true that as a beginner you can get away with a lot when speaking English, but the better habits you develop at the start the more natural speaker you become. In my posts this week I have shown you how to ask questions in English. We will now have a look at how to make our questions sound more polite.


How to Ask Direct Questions Politely in English  Asking Direct Questions politely

Basically, there are three types of questions in English: direct, indirect, and question tags.
We have been learning about direct questions. Direct questions are either yes/no questions such as “Are you English?” or information questions such as “Where do you live?”
Direct questions can seem abrupt and impolite, especially when you are talking to a stranger.
Examples of direct questions:
  • Does the bus stop here?
  • What time is it?
  • Can I pass?
  • Which way is the station?


How to make them polite? The easiest way is to add “excuse me, ”, “pardon me”, or “please” and you already sound more polite.


Excuse me, does the bus stop here?

Excuse me, what time is it, please?

Pardon me, can I pass?

Excuse me, which way is the station, please?



So, even if your English is at a beginner’s level, using these simple words can help you sound more polite.   It’s also possible to use ‘can’ in informal situations. “Can you show me,” “Can I have,” “Can I sit”, etc. But in order to make questions more polite, change “can” to “could” and you sound like a “native”!


Excuse me, could you tell me the time?

Pardon me, could you help me?

Pardon me, could I sit here?

Could you show me the way on the map?



You can also use these with the imperative form. Many beginners just use the imperative form to ask for things, but it sounds too direct and rude and should be avoided. Do not say “Give me that”, “Show me”, “Move” and so on.   Use “Could you give me that please,”, “Could you show me, please” and “Could you move, please.”


Practice making requests with adding, “please”, “excuse me”, “pardon and so on. Also, try adding “can” or “could to your sentences and your efforts will be appreciated by native speakers.
Make sure you study our examples and do *TT exercises to learn how to be more polite.



Check my other articles here: All English Time Ask Elo – Learning Articles




How to Ask Direct Questions Politely in English English Grammar Test Time (TT)


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Excuse me, what time ___ the next train leave?

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________me, may I sit here?

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Excuse me, which way ___ the bus stop?

Correct! Wrong!

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___ you show me the way to the nearest pharmacy?

Correct! Wrong!

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Could you __ me the time, please?

Correct! Wrong!

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How to Ask Direct Questions Politely in English



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How to Ask Direct Questions Politely in English Elo Kasia Community Mentor for How to Ask Direct Questions Politely in EnglishEnglish Grammar and Speaking Academy“.
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How to Ask Direct Questions Politely in English

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