Positive and Motivational Life Quotes – Nasiru Sani

by Feb 26, 2019Uncategorized

Nasiru Sani

Community Writer (Nigeria)

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Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.


George B Shaw

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Positive and Motivational Life Quotes

Positive and Motivational life quotes by Nasiru Sani


Going through a difficult time

No matter how bad or miserable situation that my life has happened.

I will never give up on my aim because am full of ambition with a burning desire to achieve it.

in addition to that l will never give up on my dream because my dream is the pathfinder that will place a ladder for me which I will climb to study hard in order to succeed in life with flying color.

So, am an optimistic student as you are.


Positive and Motivational life quotes, Nasiru Sani



Truthful friendship matters because it brings about rapid progress and bedrock development towards friends.


Positive and Motivational life quotes - Nasiru Sani



Persistent Learning sharpens our intelligence.

Learning new things every day improves our life – experience.

Learning from mistake refines our intention in order to achieve our ambition.

Learning develops us toward expertise.

Learning is a great ladder to excel in an academic field of study.


Positive and Motivational life quotes - Nasiru Sani



Hence, knowledge is far better than money.

Knowledge is the light of life.

Knowledge is the right to world’s civilization.

Knowledge gives access to worldly things wisely.

Knowledge provides a reliable career.

Knowledge eradicates ignorance and arrogance.

kindly note that money can easily be stolen while knowledge can never be stolen from our brain. Hence, knowledge is far better than money.


Nasiru Sani



Facing your demons

Note that every single moment is an opportunity to evaluate yourself and then you should try to observe your problem.

When you get to realize your problem, you have to deal with it.

Therefore, note that: if you are the problem, then you are also the solution to your problem.


Nasiru Sani




Money is not everything

Kindly note that sometimes too much of hustle for money can’t make you a wealthy person.

But too much struggling for knowledge will definitely make you a knowledgeable person.

Hence, l want you to know seeking knowledge is an endless journey and nothing is as important as knowledge.

Please, ask questions when you are doubting about a lesson because asking questions is half of the knowledge as it is an anchor to acquire knowledge.


Nasiru Sani



Be Optimistic

Make sure to be optimistic in this world because unexpected success comes to an optimistic person.

Nasiru Sani


Self Discipline

Consider and use these methods because they will help if you put them into practice.

Avoid use of the Internet frequently.

As questions about what you don’t understand.

Don’t be ashamed to say that you haven’t understood.

Learn and master the rules of grammar.

Improve your reading culture.

Keep on practice constantly every day.

Find a good friend to communicate in the English language.

Be confident to express yourself in a conversation.

Look up your dictionary to know new words and then try to use in a sentence.

Use your time wisely to read the novel (storybook).

Nasiru Sani

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