English Stories – My Dream Garden

by Feb 28, 2019Uncategorized

Shafayet Ali Mithun

Community Artist and Mentor (Bangladesh)

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English Stories of today – “My Dream Garden” is one of my “Learn English Through English Stories” series articles. I hope you enjoy reading my English stories. Thank you, Shafayet Ali.

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Learn English Through English Stories

English Stories for the day – My Dream Garden



For me, a garden is an integral part of the house. This is because I have seen one at my place ever since my childhood. I have learned to crawl, walk and eat in my garden. I have numerous fond memories attached to it and it forms an important part of my life. It is my grandmother who beautified this place. She has put immense efforts in growing the garden and maintaining it.


Benefits of Gardening


The Peace in My Garden (English Stories, My Dream Garden)

Since we live on the outskirts of the city, we have the luxury of having a big house and quite a big garden. Besides the beautiful trees and flowers that form a part of my garden, there is a beautiful gazebo set up here that adds to its beauty. The gazebo is set in one corner of the garden and it is my favorite spot. My father chose its design and it is appreciated by all.

We host a lot of parties at home and the gazebo is a hot favorite spot of the guests. During the times, when the weather is pleasant, my parents usually plan barbeque in the garden and everyone just loves sitting in the Gazebo with their plate of snacks.

I also love spending some time during the evening hours in this quiet place in my garden. Many a time, I also study here. I find it easier to concentrate here compared to other parts of my house.

Organic Vegetables and Fruits in My Garden (English Stories, My Dream Garden)

Besides beautiful rows of leafy plants and multi-hued flowers, my grandmother has also planted many vegetables in our garden. Spinach, tomatoes, potatoes, green chilies, carrots, and eggplants are among some of the vegetables that grow in my garden. Herbs such as coriander, mint, and curry plant have also been planted. All these vegetables grow in abundance in my garden and we often cut and cook them for our meals.

Apart from this, my garden also has quite a few fruit trees. Lemon-tree, mango tree, banana tree, and papaya tree have always been a part of it. They bear fruits and fill the air with their refreshing smell. Many times, I have been made to climb the mango tree to pluck the mangoes. It is super fun and I always look forward to it.

Maintaining Garden is not Easy – a tough task (English Stories, My Dream Garden)

Though having a garden adds to the beauty of the house, it is quite a task to maintain it. Many people love the idea of growing plants and try their hands at it but give up in some time. This is because plants require the utmost care. It is essential for you to take care of them on a daily basis in order to keep them fresh and green and help them grow.

Plants do not only require water but also need different types of manures to grow. Hats off to my grandmother who is so dedicated to taking care of our garden even at this age. She makes sure the plants are watered twice a day and all the required manures are added from time to time. She also ensures that weeds and unwanted plants that hamper the growth of the other plants are removed timely.

We have hired a professional gardener who comes to our place thrice a week and takes care of our garden. My grandmother supervises him and gets the tasks done properly.

Conclusion  (English Stories, My Dream Garden)

Some of the best memories of my childhood are attached to my garden. I love it when my entire family sits together in the garden to have their evening tea. I also love winter afternoons when we have our lunch in the garden. It is simply amazing. Having a garden at home is blissful.

The End of English Stories of the day – “My Dream Garden”.

Thank you for reading my English Stories of the day – “My Dream Garden”. This English story is one of my “Learn English Through English Stories” series articles. I hope you enjoy reading my English stories. Thank you, Shafayet Ali.


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